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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 144901129971.jpg - ( 4.63 MB , 2232x7268 , b64e1133c195c502cfd6c4c1447655df.jpg [iqdb] )
8673 No. 8673 ID: 2d6d5f7c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Why's the Not Safe For Witches board locked?
10 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 8712 ID: 6f7acb6e
The page links work fine. And I checked the ''next ' button on my Win10 machine today. Worked fine, so I guess it's a problem with iOS. Doesn't bother me too much though. still appreciate all the hard work you put in to the site!
>> No. 8851 ID: 458629c1
Let's try to breath some life into that board. Think of it as lewd general.
>> No. 8856 ID: 202a8bf3
File 145061718961.jpg - ( 206.61 KB , 725x722 , ermagerd.jpg [iqdb] )

Calling some of the content on that board lewd would be like calling Perrine slightly moody. :D

File 145028953964.png - ( 248.56 KB , 1000x1000 , 1433822577346.png [iqdb] )
8786 No. 8786 ID: 47fc59e0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I feel there isn't enough love for The Raven of Ostmark.
5 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 8808 ID: 726baf4c
File 145041424728.jpg - ( 781.49 KB , 723x1024 , d6b300c35bea97650a6ad86597c0e10a.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 8809 ID: a9b941d7
File 14504184901.png - ( 1.24 MB , 1181x1748 , 51040623_p1.png [iqdb] )
Season's Greteings.
>> No. 8825 ID: 47fc59e0
File 14504578687.png - ( 120.34 KB , 456x472 , 18ebbce99ce55e6c69cfcb8bced0e0d2.png [iqdb] )

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8732 No. 8732 ID: ba4d3845 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
I saw Shirley in another costume similar to this one by a different artist. I've never seen that costume in official art. Is it just a costume for the character shared by different artists or is this from actual official art? Link pls if it's official.
>> No. 8733 ID: 4417c581
So much Shirleyposting.

Doubt it's official. Looks like a Senran Kagura character or something, with the scarf and all.
>> No. 8734 ID: 61b8d0cd
A piece null did back in September has the same outfit. Went searching for more info but I couldn't find anything.
>> No. 8735 ID: ba4d3845
Like the poster about me said, Null did the same type of outfit. I looked up the anime you were talking about an the only similarities I saw were the knives and the scarf. Nothing similar to the outfit.

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8619 No. 8619 ID: d00ada4e hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Someone please help me with this . It's really getting on my nerves. I don't know where I'm not supposed to massage her but if I do find a spot I can't stay on it for too long or else the bar will just go down and I can barely find a right spot before it's too late the drag the bar up where I was. I can't find a guide for this anywhere either. Can someone tell me on what I'm doing wrong? Am I missing something?
>> No. 8655 ID: 85b75cad
Strike Witches 2: Iyasu, Naosu, Puni Puni Suru

I doubt many people have played it because it is translated, but this guy figured it out:
>> No. 8658 ID: faa47bd4
Idk how he did it

File 144130300548.jpg - ( 231.01 KB , 1920x1080 , [Eila] Strike Witches Operation Victory Arrow Vol_.jpg [iqdb] )
8236 No. 8236 ID: 8aaa5308 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Perrinu is so charming!
19 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 8384 ID: 2cb1eb3b
File 144553324699.jpg - ( 934.29 KB , 1921x1080 , 53156565_p0.jpg [iqdb] )
Fresh off pixiv.
>> No. 8632 ID: 5e3b8e32
File 144851974749.jpg - ( 123.21 KB , 1024x768 , Spoiler Picture.jpg [iqdb] )
3D perrinu bondage!
>> No. 8633 ID: b74eff87

that's awesome

File 144795973482.jpg - ( 142.38 KB , 800x845 , 1447650340508.jpg [iqdb] )
8567 No. 8567 ID: 867e915d hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Can someone translate this? I can't find the characters on a Hiragana or a katakana chart.
>> No. 8579 ID: d252486d

File 144780911825.png - ( 120.93 KB , 249x297 , swksnr4.png [iqdb] )
8557 No. 8557 ID: 10aacf1d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Anyone have the Shirley cards from the Kiseki no Rondo game in good quality?
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 8559 ID: 10aacf1d
>> No. 8560 ID: 10aacf1d
I'll use this until I'm able to find a larger version without an image enlarger.
>> No. 8561 ID: 7b39c55a
>The pics that I enlarged from that pic

I meant to say "from that Mediafire set".

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7052 No. 7052 ID: 484a7ec0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I found this picture!!!
I don't know if is an official art, but DAT ERICA!!!!
3 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 8513 ID: 74fc2392
File 144685439591.jpg - ( 55.96 KB , 400x711 , erica-hartman-bunny-style-18th-scale-strike-witche.jpg [iqdb] )
Just saw this in today's Crunchyroll e-flyer and this thread is the first Erica-ish one I found, so I'm slapping it here. ^_^

>Estimated arrival: April 2016
>This item has not been released yet. You may preorder now and we will ship it to you when it arrives.

>Shirley is also planned to be joining the same 'bunny style' series ata later stage!

So that's Eila and Sanya nendos, Martina Crespi and now Erica with Shirley on the way. 2016's gonna be a good year.
>> No. 8515 ID: 3441d52f
File 144689746596.png - ( 659.58 KB , 809x1500 , CNl2mWFUkAAgbhZ_png large.png [iqdb] )

Erica also has a proper figma coming, along with Sakamoto I think.
>> No. 8551 ID: bc0a9be9

Its available as a wall scroll now, if you want Erica's butt on your wall.

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1251 No. 1251 ID: 0853ae73 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Hello /sw/ fans. Where can I find the previous episodes of the current strike witches radio show?
>> No. 1253 ID: 3cbd9ea5 The Radio folder

>>587 This is the thread where it'll be posted when new episodes are added to mangafoxlite.

If you are interested in listening them with pretty pictures, there's nicovideo playlist for that
>> No. 8539 ID: be7eb8b1
Is the niconico channel the same as this site?

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7391 No. 7391 ID: 0a9ede05 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
>OVA is announced
>tons of speculation
>OVA is released
>dead silence

Is this what finally killed the love?
54 posts and 17 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 8492 ID: 95979dde
File 144660281570.jpg - ( 147.39 KB , 1920x1080 , [Eila] Strike Witches Operation Victory Arrow Vol_.jpg [iqdb] )
While I'm doing that, I think I'll also put rips of the OVAs into that Mega folder that has the Hime Uta mp3s.

To any of you out there that would want this, what particular thing is it that you're concerned about? File size? Resolution? Bitrate? I'm going to be making fresh rips for this and tailoring them for the people most likely to download them would be smart. :)
>> No. 8502 ID: 5d5c51fb
File 144668981621.jpg - ( 234.30 KB , 1920x1080 , [Eila] Strike Witches Operation Victory Arrow Vol_.jpg [iqdb] )
OVA 1 is now up but for some reason it only shows in 360p. The video I uploaded is 1920x1080, like the others. I'll give it a day and see if Youtube straightens out on its own.
>> No. 8503 ID: 5d5c51fb
File 144669176960.jpg - ( 198.68 KB , 1920x1080 , [Eila] Strike Witches Operation Victory Arrow Vol_.jpg [iqdb] )

I posted too quickly - it's available up to 1080p now. ^_^

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