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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 132138569341.jpg - ( 272.46KB , 885x719 , 447757125.jpg [iqdb] )
1404 No. 1404 ID: aa9130f5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Nipa got indoor cleaning duty beacuse of broken strikers, and Lapra and Hasse thought it would be fun so they joined in with her

Non-Eila Suomus witches thread
Eila is allowed to appear too
103 posts and 84 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6049 ID: 35a6b007
>Does helma allow APNGs?

Apparently it does.
>> No. 6050 ID: d36d5cd9
Well, no reason not to.

Only some kind of special asshole *cough*moot*cough* would bother to specifically disable them, since they're 100% backwards compatible with normal PNGs.
>> No. 6051 ID: 81fc56e5
Yup, that's the beauty of the png file type. It has all its data laid out in chunks, and if the renderer doesn't know how to interpret a specific chunk (provided it's a non-critical one) it can just skip over it.

File 139481824473.jpg - ( 500.77KB , 600x829 , Operation-Victory-Arrow.jpg [iqdb] )
6857 No. 6857 ID: f3aacffd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
It's time!!!!
Autumn 2014!!!!!
29 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 7193 ID: c3d70377
File 141129887230.png - ( 55.46KB , 250x141 , Neumann.png [iqdb] )
Short synopsis has been given on vol2:
While on a holiday on the Island of Sicily, Shirley and Lucchini get an unexpected call. They are summoned to the Crete base in order to participate in a Neuroi extermination mission with Marseille and Raisa of the Storm Witches. Can the four protect Lucchini's island of memories while they quarrel with each other amidst their war.

Also, Neumann
>> No. 7196 ID: 6a843393
File 141132862468.jpg - ( 6.98KB , 170x208 , newman.jpg [iqdb] )
When will we start to see a cross between these two?
>> No. 7215 ID: d24db64d
Vol2 Teaser is out!!

File 138543648772.png - ( 111.97KB , 600x600 , 1385348056804.png [iqdb] )
6657 No. 6657 ID: 3481c738 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
mediafire made a mess of things so the link for doesnt work. does anyone has the new link??
>> No. 6658 ID: 8f4ae077
Dunno, but here's mangafoxlite for anyone who's wondering:
>> No. 6687 ID: c3548317
Just a heads-up. The old MF links work again.

File 140436763584.jpg - ( 127.21KB , 1024x640 , wpid-Strike-Witches-The-Movie-Wallpaper-6-1024x640.jpg [iqdb] )
7062 No. 7062 ID: 7375cd56 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Anybody hoping for something specific in the upcoming OVA?
6 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 7137 ID: 3bb5824e
Trude is love. Trude is life.
>> No. 7191 ID: 1ca921c6
I'd love to see an all Romagna episode with Adriana and Federica, or an all Suomus episode with Aurora and Hanna Wind. If not, then maybe a pre-1944 episode with the Suomus Misfits Squadron would be good.
>> No. 7192 ID: 1c216042

File 140920363473.jpg - ( 17.30KB , 254x200 , BwGIptqCYAA1HCD.jpg [iqdb] )
7149 No. 7149 ID: 6221108c hide watch quickreply [Reply]
We have the cover!!!!!
A little small but is something.
>> No. 7150 ID: 4fc34275
Poor Nipa will never have Eila's love
>> No. 7152 ID: 42fd12eb
"The tale of the passionate witches, dancing in the North sky"
According to the blurb.
First volume gets in sale September 10th.
>> No. 7185 ID: 5211bdfd
So the first tankoubon of Aurora is out?

File 141064718828.png - ( 265.13KB , 1024x1024 , 132296729032.png [iqdb] )
7173 No. 7173 ID: 7e3cd7cd hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Am I the only one who owns strike witches on vhs?
>> No. 7174 ID: a643fba1
I didn't know they sold a VHS version
>> No. 7175 ID: 7e3cd7cd
They didn't, but the magic of a vhs player and the recording button makes it easy. Also, for some reason it looks better on my older tv than my newer flat screen. I find that very weird...
>> No. 7188 ID: 901a55dd
And I thought I was old-fashioned with one of my PCs being a decade old...

If a VHS looks better on your TV than a BD/DVD/fansub on your monitor, I don't even know what to say. You probably like whatever color errors the VHS brings. Or maybe you just don't notice errors so well when viewing from further away. Or maybe your LCD is just really bad.

File 140955129748.jpg - ( 1.61MB , 1080x1006 , img197c.jpg [iqdb] )
7157 No. 7157 ID: 3d82dc1e hide watch quickreply [Reply]
The cover of manga about 504th and Strike Witches manga Vol. 2 based on the series.

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7156 No. 7156 ID: 07558c9f hide watch quickreply [Reply]
New one from Nyantype

File 140843171181.jpg - ( 349.77KB , 1200x1812 , 588b53b0.jpg [iqdb] )
7136 No. 7136 ID: dc328de2 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Reposts welcomed.

Those sneakers do superficially look like her boots from far.

File 140815239027.png - ( 591.93KB , 1275x715 , custom.png [iqdb] )
7129 No. 7129 ID: a768e580 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
heidemarie redhead version
>> No. 7133 ID: 388c6ea7
File 140826287376.jpg - ( 89.83KB , 393x350 , 1222829705676.jpg [iqdb] )

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