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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 136460160165.png - ( 361.57KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Vividred Operation - 12 [F4E5860F]_mkv_sn.png [iqdb] )
5739 No. 5739 ID: 22d53ad4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Now that Vividred's ended, the director should be back to work on season 3, right?
15 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 5844 ID: 829ad3ad
>> No. 5857 ID: 829ad3ad
File 136628885132.jpg - ( 222.23KB , 800x533 , Agon1366284938[1].jpg [iqdb] )
Looks like Sega is continuing with the rest of the 504th.
>> No. 6101 ID: d8418896
File 137216963246.jpg - ( 275.24KB , 600x500 , 1288545189261.jpg [iqdb] )
Well, it might not be all of the 504th. Takei Junko was in S2, the manga, and one of the VN games IIRC.

But if 504th was groomed as the next main Witch group, I'd be quite fine with that. Largely for this reason.

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6052 No. 6052 ID: df1541ca hide watch quickreply [Reply]
What's the story of the picture on the right?
Did Humikane say anything about it?
>> No. 6056 ID: d5b40456
File 137138984722.jpg - ( 21.18KB , 337x403 , untitled.jpg [iqdb] )
It's the nose art queen from from Scale Aviation's Winter War over Finland issue.

No wonder Fumikane would read and be inspired by something like that.

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5712 No. 5712 ID: f6471f5b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Not much is discussed about Hannalore Kummel and gang, isnt it?
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 5729 ID: 1cb6790a
>> No. 5733 ID: a67bdbb7
Fuck, why didn't I discover that one earlier?
I'd include that one in my doujin order.
>> No. 6025 ID: 8e4cc4c3
Is it bilingual?

File 135658896165.jpg - ( 239.38KB , 416x800 , 1354796299865.jpg [iqdb] )
5338 No. 5338 ID: 75984cc4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Chapter 3 has been translated on the Wiki, featuring the introduction of Rudel.
5 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 5842 ID: b60e88ce
>> No. 5845 ID: 1133c185
Well ain't that a shame... RIP
>> No. 6024 ID: 9fdf4ed6
Wow. It's been like years and years since there was last translation progress on the novels.

Indeed, we lost a great creator.

File 136649673558.jpg - ( 153.65KB , 984x749 , fdf.jpg [iqdb] )
5868 No. 5868 ID: ca3e410a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I would like to share this scan I made to all.
It's part of the mini pamphlet inside of the Blu-Ray Box of The Movie.
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 5870 ID: fa811a5a
I want a heidemarie plushy
>> No. 5871 ID: e81943dd
>dat panty crease
>> No. 6023 ID: 4f82392e
I want a Heidemarie. Dream big, anon.

File 136988246339.jpg - ( 2.80MB , 4320x3240 , IMG_1939.jpg [iqdb] )
5969 No. 5969 ID: e6de53fb hide watch quickreply [Reply]
From Ecuador with love!
My birthday cake!
>> No. 5970 ID: b8f92b7f
File 136988790627.jpg - ( 112.06KB , 550x800 , 363970-by_youkan__1_.jpg [iqdb] )
How did those witches taste?
>> No. 5973 ID: 07268e8b
>> No. 5981 ID: 902edb78
I just got an idea.

I'm going to have a Strike Witches cake at Christmas.

They'll all be Christmas cake.

File 136514292826.jpg - ( 722.74KB , 731x1700 , _______.jpg [iqdb] )
5764 No. 5764 ID: e5d7627d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Funny Witch things!
Post 'em if you got 'em!
75 posts and 75 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 5978 ID: a5835532
What am I looking at?
>> No. 5979 ID: f43f69ae
An American candy bar.
>> No. 5980 ID: f6f27a1e
In Japan, DFC is sometimes referred to as "manaita", which means chopping board.
Francie has the flattest chest of known Liberian, thus the picture.

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5950 No. 5950 ID: 29898e35 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So everyone on helma, I was thinking about writing story's based on the 1991 Gulf Neuroi war Witches. Would any of you guys be interested on reading it? Or even think it would be a good squadron or plot to write on?
9 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 5963 ID: 9ae93be9
File 136972829647.jpg - ( 228.60KB , 565x800 , 34911177_big_p1.jpg [iqdb] )
Irregular units could be cool, maybe have some more advanced stuff about radar and jamming.
>> No. 5964 ID: 9a2bf549
....i don't see its mentioned here, but i'll bring something from 4chan's /TG/; Strikers 1989 Quest

So basically someone see Ogitsune's art and makes some CYOA from it. Main chara is regular F-14 pilot, but his RO is a witch and he is on Mixed Witches-regular pilot squadron. Might be good from reference.
>> No. 5967 ID: 8885fcc4
File 136975619939.jpg - ( 88.19KB , 366x800 , image.jpg [iqdb] )
Thanks man ill be sure to put that in the story, I really like that idea

Thanks ill read through them for references!

File 136917865028.jpg - ( 195.33KB , 1600x663 , 134617818582.jpg [iqdb] )
5941 No. 5941 ID: 3e392afc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Now that all of the packages are out, I've spent $12 on shipping for almost every international package and lost money on all of them, including the ones that people payed the extra $3 for(which made it $9 for shipping payment. 12-9=3.) It's my fault for pricing it so low in the first place, but I'm glad to say that everyone's packages should be out now.

If anyone wants pins, I need to find a way to get rid of a giant pile of Strike Witches country pins left over from that project. I don't have any sets left because I'm out of Karlsland and there's no more Suomus/Liberion that don't have one (extremely minor) defect. For this week, I'll be taking orders and based on first-come first-serve policy, I'll take set orders (minus Karlsland of course, because I only have the two I set aside for myself, which are hidden somewhere in the boxes from my move-in) first and singles second. Shipping for all orders will be $5 US/$12 International.

At the end of the week, I'll look at the orders in order of date and set aside orders. If your order is unavailable I'll let you know on Saturday.

NOTE: These pins will be WAY faster than the patches and pin orders since I only have one class during this section of the summer.
4 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 5946 ID: 3e392afc
$2 assuming they're the ones that don't have any issues.
$1.25 for the extras if that's what it comes to.
If it's a really badly messed up pin (which I'll pay attention to) I'll make those 50 cents. There's not many of those so I hope it doesn't come to that, but if someone would want one like that and just practically pay for shipping, I'll be more than glad to send it their way.

Logically, I'd say if you're ordering one you may as well order more considering the biggest constant is the shipping. I just put the shipping at that price because I want to make sure everyone's shipping gets covered (though I did have a wonderful friend from Australia donate very nicely to my problems.)
>> No. 5947 ID: 3e392afc
Also, Orussia pins are understocked, so please don't inquire about buying singles of those. If you want one, you can buy a semi-set. I'm just trying to conserve the stock to set-matchable quantities (because we don't want another Karlsland incident...)
>> No. 5948 ID: 29c64695
I sent you an email.

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5914 No. 5914 ID: 0f1c2ca3 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
>> No. 5916 ID: a243d791
Wow thanks!
>> No. 5919 ID: f8254cf5
File 136860731349.png - ( 6.76KB , 314x261 , status.png [iqdb] )
Not bad, thanks! I hope there are plans for a translation, as this looks to be as enjoyable as vol 1.
>> No. 5938 ID: cb10a731
Yuriproject is translating, chapter 8 has just been released there and (literally in the last hour) been added to Dynasty

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