No. 2488
ID: be0b3a59
- ( 228.85KB
, 1280x720
, Band of Brothers - Ep 03 - Carentan_mp4_snapshot_0.jpg
I've always wanted to see some more non-magical or older witches help fight. One idea I had would be basically Band of Brothers with the US airborne (82nd, 101st) and other airborne divisions (Brit Paras, German Fallschirmjager) landing in Gallia in order to secure land and look for refugees, survivors, etc. Unfortunately, the Neuroi left behind small underground hives with smaller units behind (something like the little drones from the 1st season finale but ground based) and it's up to the mostly non-magic forces to combat it. There's a few witches involved, the come in reinforcements. Attached to the units are older witches for healing but end up fighting as well (imagine Yoshika but not useless). Does anyone else think this is a dumb idea?