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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 147407791218.png - ( 539.78 KB , 800x650 , Helmarathon 2016.png [iqdb] )
11467 No. 11467 ID: 9ecf7ec0
Seeing how the Brave Witches are flying closer and soon conquering the TV again made me want to do something essential before it, and what better could it be than an entire marathon of the Strike Witches franchise so far!

Thus during the last weekend of September and October's start 30th - 2nd, I'm holding a marathon stream for the entire series.

Tell your weeb friends, witches and other folks (hopefully no reddit and tumblr) who might be interested and hop in if possible for some striker aviation, witches, neuroi shenanigans and butt times.
If there's even one person besides me over the weekend, I'm more than happy.
See picture for the info for now. I'll present at a later date the stream site and rest of the necessary stuff which I'm working on.
45 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 11599 ID: 9ecf7ec0
File 147551007873.jpg - ( 526.49 KB , 2546x1331 , Marathon 10.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 11600 ID: 9ecf7ec0
File 147551009635.jpg - ( 538.26 KB , 2542x1334 , Marathon 11.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 11601 ID: 9ecf7ec0
File 147551013184.jpg - ( 501.28 KB , 2555x1333 , Marathon 12.jpg [iqdb] )
And the final claps.
>> No. 11602 ID: 9ecf7ec0
File 147551029966.jpg - ( 305.60 KB , 2149x1767 , Marathon polls.jpg [iqdb] )
Here are the poll results. S2 EP5 starts from down-right corner and then subsequently up from it in release order.

Again, thank you all for joining who could make it. I was pleasantly surprised to see us averaging 30 watchers over the weekend on each day.
>> No. 11620 ID: 9ecf7ec0
File 147569700450.jpg - ( 517.87 KB , 800x589 , Brave Witches.jpg [iqdb] )
After the void that last weekend left behind, I can't help but continue, thus.

Brave Witches and Strike Witches mini marathon starting now!


Not sure about the weekly times, but we'll see later of that.
>> No. 11621 ID: 9ecf7ec0
File 147570073237.jpg - ( 217.54 KB , 1200x1000 , 502nd photo - minori (ernte c.jpg [iqdb] )
Well as I kind of expected since it was on such a short notice, there wasn't much people around.
For now postponing S1 streaming since we after all had the big marathon so recently.

Seeing how the HSubs release so quickly it would be nice to set on some specific time weekly.
So I was thinking of maybe 21:00 UTC+0 every Wednesday (13:00 PST) for the BW ep1. And maybe longer rerun on Saturdays same time when people are more free.
>> No. 11685 ID: 9ecf7ec0
File 147628837052.jpg - ( 210.20 KB , 830x760 , eila fly.jpg [iqdb] )
Alright, made a poll for what would be better, tonight or every Thursday 21:00 UTC+0 (13:00 PST) for the together watch stream.

>> No. 11707 ID: 9ecf7ec0
Friendly reminder that there's 5 hours left till episode 2 stream tonight.
>> No. 11708 ID: 064a6458
File 147637485294.jpg - ( 137.56 KB , 505x800 , 1432688698027.jpg [iqdb] )
Sweet, will be there
>> No. 11709 ID: 9ecf7ec0
1 hour till stream.

>> No. 11710 ID: 9ecf7ec0
Episode 2 stream starting now.
Hop in!
>> No. 11733 ID: 9ecf7ec0
Reminder that tonight is a stream day!

Episode 3, in 5 hours.
>> No. 11735 ID: 9ecf7ec0
Stream in 1 hour!
>> No. 11736 ID: 9ecf7ec0
File 147699620766.jpg - ( 98.76 KB , 708x945 , Naoe bulldog feat_ Nipa with TNT - takanaga kouhei.jpg [iqdb] )
Stream starting, get in here to enjoy some Nipa and Naoe.

>> No. 11764 ID: 064a6458
Anything going to be played during the downtime this week?
>> No. 11768 ID: 1884136f
File 147742764944.jpg - ( 28.10 KB , 700x700 , Hikari - chameleon man.jpg [iqdb] )
I uhh, didn't have any plans to, but if I come up with something I'll post about it by tomorrow.
Suggestions are welcome, but nothing more than 30 or so minutes.
>> No. 11770 ID: 064a6458
Maybe O.V.A? Get a taste of what we could have had but will never get because budget
>> No. 11771 ID: 1884136f
Wasn't really thinking of doing an OVA since we had the big marathon recently and everything's so well on the short term memory.
>> No. 11772 ID: 86569027
If you don't mind doing another series, I was thinking of the GuP OVAs if nothing else.
>> No. 11775 ID: 1884136f
File 147751090441.jpg - ( 827.73 KB , 1520x1076 , The Cockpit.jpg [iqdb] )
Alright, I'm streaming an OVA tomorrow, but it won't be just any OVA.

It'll be The Cockpit 1st OVA from 1993 by Leiji Matsumoto. If you haven't seen this three episode OVA series by now, join for the amazing first episode tomorrow then. It's 24 minutes long and has one of the finest animation craftsmanship of all time with aerial dogfight scenes involved. Really, if there's an animation quality that set the bar, it's this.

Tomorrow stream, same time as past few weeks, don't miss it!
Thursday 21:00 UTC+0 (13:00 PST)

Anzio OVA could've been great fun but I decided to go with this since it's frigging great and not many know about it.
>> No. 11782 ID: 1884136f
5 hours till the stream tonight.
>> No. 11784 ID: 1884136f
File 147760085747.jpg - ( 122.34 KB , 1280x864 , Bf109 takes B-17.jpg [iqdb] )
Stream starting in a bit, get in now!

>> No. 11831 ID: 1884136f
Reminding that today is the streaming of BW episode 4.

Starting in 3 hours.
>> No. 11833 ID: 1884136f
1 hour to go.
>> No. 11834 ID: 1884136f
File 147820943448.jpg - ( 881.46 KB , 1920x1080 , Hikari leap 29.jpg [iqdb] )
Stream starting, hop in like Hikari would.

>> No. 11896 ID: 609f8733
Stream starting in 5 hours.
Don't forget to bring your butt and friends in.
>> No. 11898 ID: 609f8733
File 147881160091.jpg - ( 50.48 KB , 400x400 , chibi sanyaa.jpg [iqdb] )
Stream in 1 hour.
>> No. 11899 ID: 609f8733
File 147881407860.jpg - ( 333.20 KB , 2500x2000 , Sadaka and Jose - Basilsauce.jpg [iqdb] )
Stream starting in a bit, hop in for MacGyver action.

>> No. 11932 ID: 294b08cd
File 147940170251.jpg - ( 588.70 KB , 1920x1080 , Happy loli Sasha 1.jpg [iqdb] )
Stream starting in 5 hours!
You better get your butts in and call friends too.
>> No. 11934 ID: 294b08cd
File 147941605484.jpg - ( 605.66 KB , 1920x1080 , Happy loli Sasha 2.jpg [iqdb] )
Stream in 1 hour.
>> No. 11935 ID: 294b08cd
File 147941906536.jpg - ( 75.86 KB , 1023x709 , Nipa and Sasha against landscape.jpg [iqdb] )
Stream starting in a bit, hop in for some sweet Sasha and Nipa moments.

>> No. 11955 ID: 9ad47c3a
File 148001028279.jpg - ( 385.76 KB , 850x1170 , Nipa egao and Eila.jpg [iqdb] )
Christmas episode starting in 4 hours!

I better see ya'll coming up for Nipa and some Eilanya tonight.
>> No. 11956 ID: 9ad47c3a
Stream in 1 hour.
>> No. 11957 ID: 9ad47c3a
File 148002426633.jpg - ( 1.70 MB , 1920x2157 , Saturnus festival evening.jpg [iqdb] )
Stream starting!

Join for the Christmas special!

>> No. 11980 ID: 61b6d9c8
File 148061134663.jpg - ( 71.30 KB , 627x885 , Krupi birthday - hachimitub.jpg [iqdb] )
5 hours till stream tonight.
Don't forget!
>> No. 11981 ID: 61b6d9c8
Stream in 1 hour.
>> No. 11982 ID: 61b6d9c8
File 14806286404.jpg - ( 308.39 KB , 960x1620 , Krupi and Edy make up.jpg [iqdb] )
Stream starting, come join for the worst battle cgi ever!

>> No. 12015 ID: d8657746
File 148122336871.png - ( 443.22 KB , 600x825 , Eila playing poker with Nipa feat_ Sasha Christmas.png [iqdb] )
3 hours till the stream tonight.
>> No. 12016 ID: d8657746
Stream in 1 hour.
>> No. 12017 ID: d8657746
File 148123350779.jpg - ( 736.19 KB , 1920x1080 , Hikari fell in sauna.jpg [iqdb] )
Stream starting, come join for the surprises!

>> No. 12074 ID: 3cefed07
File 148182130479.jpg - ( 58.53 KB , 754x870 , Hikari - mozixya.jpg [iqdb] )
5 hours till the stream tonight.
>> No. 12076 ID: 3cefed07
Stream in 1 hour.
>> No. 12077 ID: 3cefed07
File 148183845776.jpg - ( 56.00 KB , 624x650 , Hikari and Takami love - totonii (totogoya.jpg [iqdb] )
Stream starting, come join the show.

>> No. 12117 ID: d1ce729b
File 148243343013.jpg - ( 707.62 KB , 1920x1080 , Radio time.jpg [iqdb] )
3 hours till the stream.
>> No. 12118 ID: d1ce729b
Stream in 1 hour.
>> No. 12119 ID: d1ce729b
File 148244290762.jpg - ( 736.64 KB , 1920x1080 , Eilanya and Hikari train rear.jpg [iqdb] )
Stream starting, come join the part 1 of final battle.

>> No. 12153 ID: 0fe0402a
File 148303722557.jpg - ( 145.76 KB , 753x696 , Christmas trio 1 - yu19038.jpg [iqdb] )
Reminder that today is the last stream for the last episode of the season.

I hope to see all of you there if possible!

3 hours till the stream.
>> No. 12154 ID: 0fe0402a
File 14830452285.jpg - ( 733.77 KB , 1100x1400 , Santa Eilanya Merry Christmas - hydrocarbon.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 12155 ID: 0fe0402a
File 148304751457.jpg - ( 265.75 KB , 1920x1080 , 502nd key visual - fumikane.jpg [iqdb] )
Final stream starting!

>> No. 12158 ID: 0fe0402a
File 148305458193.jpg - ( 71.50 KB , 959x592 , Santa Eilanya nendo 1 - 0000 3901.jpg [iqdb] )
Thank you everyone who had the time to come join us weekly.
It was a ride, albeit bumpy, but a ride nonetheless.
Next stop's going to be most likely the OVA4 next year, but who knows. Might have something else before it.
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