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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 131113030488.png - ( 424.38KB , 500x625 , 20110501023700120.png [iqdb] )
244 No. 244 ID: 7b3e6d27 hide watch quickreply [Reply]

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209 No. 209 ID: a9424aa0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
It begins.

This board is gonna move slowly, I recommend advertising it. The pony fans only made an imageboard because of the amount of posts. Strike Witches threads get like 100 posts. In 3 days.
8 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 223 ID: b1401f60
only thing worse than >>209
>> No. 232 ID: 246e8a13
What sucks is that there are fans all over. /v/ even knows about it. The problem is that we aren't well liked, but neither are bronies. Maybe post the link in the brony threads?
>> No. 234 ID: 253fb7aa

I don't really know why bronies would want to come here. I mean I won't have a ragefit if they have a thread in offtopic as long as it's kept clean, but I think putting a link to this website in brony threads is kind of advertising to the wrong crowd. Wouldn't really make sense.

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3075 No. 3075 ID: 8b27733f hide watch quickreply [Reply]
The Blood Loins are a Space Witches Second Founding Chapter derived from the Blood Angels. Just like the latter, the Blood Loins are descended from the Primadonna Angelina Sanguinius and possess a level of ferocity on the battlefield unparalleled even amongst the Empress's Angels of Death.

Their homeworld, Estalia, is a Renaissance Italy-style Feudal World in Ultima Segmentum with notoriously heavy social stratification. The plebeians, who fend off starvation and murderous bandits on a daily basis, comprise most of the population. The patricians fare little better, for they must constantly devise complex schemes to survive in a poisoned courtly atmosphere where treachery and assassinations are all too common.

It is in this grim, medieval planet where the Blood Loins recruit their psychically-gifted girls. The brutal savagery of the plebeian Witches, combined with the sadistic cunning of their patrician comrades, has earned the Blood Loins a reputation for hitting strategic points with unparalleled precision and cruelty.

The Chapter holds a dubious tradition of issuing white panties to the Neophyte Witches, but forbidding them from ever washing or changing them. Over time, the white panties would be stained red with blood, be it from downed foes or grievous wounds.

Officer Witches, witnessing thousands of battles, have panties that are actually pitch black from centuries of accumulated blood and gore. Should one tragically fall in battle, her dark panties would be preserved as holy relics, supposedly imbuing the fallen Witch's battle spirits to any young Witch who touches or even sniffs them.
>> No. 3076 ID: 8b27733f
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An important note regarding the Blood Loins is its unusual lack of the Death Company. This is not because there are no Witches to fill it. Far from being spared from the ravages of the Black Rage, this Chapter actually has a slightly higher rate of affliction than the Founding Chapter.

Instead, a Witch stricken with Black Rage would be attached to a Vanguard Veteran or Assault squad. Her armor would be painted like those of others in the squad, and only her squadmates would know of her condition. Not only does this distribute the full destructive potential of Sanguinius' rage throughout the rank and file, it also makes easier the merciful euthanasia of the Enraged at the end of the battle.

This strange configuration is the brainchild of Battle-Sister Cenni of the First Company. Dubbed “the non-commissioned commander” at her time, this brilliant strategist and passionate warrior successfully proposed this plan after the devastating Genestealer infestation of Estalia, whose cleansing came at the cost of much of the Chapter proper, but surprisingly little of the then-extant Death Company.

Not long after the desperate plan has been put forth, Cenni herself succumbed to the Black Rage, possibly as a defense mechanism against Chaos taint, while taking a World Eaters stronghold. Her fate as of now is uncertain, but Cenni is commemorated by the Blood Loins through retaining her organizational brilliance long after the Chapter had outgrown the need.
>> No. 3077 ID: f38ab67e
So, was it intentional for their power armor to match Neuroi color schemes?
>> No. 3078 ID: 8b27733f

No, the color schemes are based on the Pantaloni Rossi.

Feel free to post an alternative color scheme if you find mine lacking.

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198 No. 198 ID: 466bceac hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I am the admin of
Have seen this board linking to mine, so just come to say hi.
Also, if possible, I would like to have an official diplomatic link to this board (......which is to put a hyperlink of this board at mine)

2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 203 ID: 0039135f

Thanks! I'll work on getting a links section working right away! (I'm new at this).
>> No. 204 ID: 466bceac
>Thanks! I'll work on getting a links section working right away! (I'm new at this).
Take your time, do it step by step. Rome is not built in a day after all.
>> No. 208 ID: 0039135f
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Just added a links tab with a link to your board on the main page.

Thanks for visiting!

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98 No. 98 ID: 54ee41d0 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
posting a random image from my Strike Withes folder just to say Hi, I am one of the guys who more or less followed your thread but randomly posted, also the guy who kinda made the Hearmann Overdrive VN a while back. good to see the SW love is alive and well and that it has its own board now, good luck with this project
>> No. 99 ID: d51ac896
Welcome aboard!

Once I hammer out some of the lingering bugs and get some custom styles made things should start looking pretty nice.

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1 No. 1 ID: 89dd0b5b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Strike witches love is #aliveandwell @
8 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 68 ID: 262631fe
File 131061315344.jpg - ( 107.73KB , 1440x810 , yay lucchini hat.jpg [iqdb] )
I can imagine.
>> No. 69 ID: 89dd0b5b

Yeah, this whole server has been frustrating since day one really.

Especially the perl scripts. I -know- perl's working right now, because if it wasn't the database for this board wouldn't exist. Yet when I point a perl script, such as wakaba, in the right direction it refuses to execute and instead tries to download, despite the fact that it's in the right place and "easy apache" is set to recognize .pl files, or so it claims.

At this point it probably doesn't matter anymore though.
>> No. 15543 ID: e2d9ae4f
lol the first post is an aliveandwell post

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