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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 145604161750.jpg - ( 77.16 KB , 479x598 , Eila.jpg [iqdb] )
9427 No. 9427 ID: 92900fdc
The Suomus Diamond Ace Eila's thread.
161 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 13707 ID: 859abedd
File 15192494412.jpg - ( 126.74 KB , 1000x1635 , Eila cheongsam - takesinobu.jpg [iqdb] )
Some fine Eila art came forth today.
Cheongsam Eila being easily my favorite of them all with the reindeer police one.
>> No. 13708 ID: 859abedd
File 151924955542.jpg - ( 93.64 KB , 1000x847 , Eila ooki oppiai and ahoge - momiji7728.jpg [iqdb] )
Eila's growth till 1947 nears Shirley levels.
>> No. 13709 ID: 859abedd
File 151924964462.jpg - ( 81.36 KB , 1200x900 , Eila salmiakki dress loli - nohoro wa.jpg [iqdb] )
And loli Eila in cute salmiakki dress is just about the sweetest thing ever.
>> No. 13917 ID: ee660346
File 152913083649.jpg - ( 202.85 KB , 864x1000 , 94f94e722bb5847c61c6a7514f5e245d.jpg [iqdb] )
I don't suppose any of you lovely people know anything about Tarot cards.
Which do you think is the most fitting card for her?
Someone said Joker, but isn't that usually Fool? Eila's a joker but no fool.
I was thinking Tower because of the tower neuroi, or Lovers because of Sanya, but I don't really know the meanings behind them well.
>> No. 13918 ID: cf135d30
Going off of that, I feel like she has elements of The Chariot, The Hermit, and The Tower.
>> No. 14067 ID: 4231db23
File 153568622058.jpg - ( 21.49 KB , 360x386 , (・x・.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 14090 ID: bd7eda63
File 153729093755.jpg - ( 125.05 KB , 979x1399 , 49486351684.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 14276 ID: 0893f585
File 154408594872.jpg - ( 208.07 KB , 1660x946 , DtuABcAVsAA-1Bp.jpg [iqdb] )
Commission just came in. https://twitter.com/omnisucker/status/1070590178387931136
>> No. 14277 ID: acff426e
That's fuggen ebin. Thanks mang for sharing.
>> No. 14303 ID: 98f6d29e
File 154528069643.png - ( 870.22 KB , 875x2057 , 3-1.png [iqdb] )
One of two new commissions. Designed clothing myself just to try it out.
>> No. 14304 ID: 98f6d29e
File 154528073274.png - ( 902.19 KB , 2385x2385 , comm_hbbg_by_adoptab_al-dcuucwj.png [iqdb] )
Second of the commissions. Short hair Eila is a cutie.
>> No. 14306 ID: 8c235d7f
File 154534653658.jpg - ( 539.78 KB , 818x1344 , Eila winter - kabuki kaigi.jpg [iqdb] )
Love em. Not sure why but I feel like Eila's in her pajamas in second one showing off her cute new look to Sanya in a cold winter morning.
I know you got few in the works and probably a clear vision regardless, but if you don't mind some suggestions I'd say go for some casual winter clothing with trapper's hat or maybe some sauna imagery, never enough of those.
>> No. 14309 ID: aff6afa8
I'll think about it. I'm going for some more cool concepts next instead of cute.Two of them in particular emphasize her personality via contrast and also her witch ability. Also have some lewd ones on the way as well.
>> No. 14311 ID: aff6afa8
File 154547269374.jpg - ( 406.37 KB , 1508x1338 , 스케치.jpg [iqdb] )
Another WIP commission. Colored version soon.
>> No. 14312 ID: 79b6a794
File 154550841523.jpg - ( 104.27 KB , 1076x1504 , 658489419874.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 14313 ID: aff6afa8
File 154551533525.png - ( 255.61 KB , 871x440 , 1545491671697.png [iqdb] )
More comm WIP
>> No. 14314 ID: 9bab08bb
File 154552055362.png - ( 533.58 KB , 820x1342 , Eila and Sanya sharing a scarf.png [iqdb] )
Of course, curious to see what you've got in mind.
Also very cool. Suomi KP alternative someday I hope.
>> No. 14316 ID: aff6afa8
File 154555995933.jpg - ( 598.54 KB , 2913x1491 , IzvZxkU.jpg [iqdb] )
First of two WIP images. This one is an upcoming 4-part commission.
>> No. 14317 ID: aff6afa8
File 154555999326.jpg - ( 270.45 KB , 2000x1165 , BAPLd8x.jpg [iqdb] )
And second. This one is especially fun to direct.
>> No. 14319 ID: aff6afa8
File 154559618216.jpg - ( 87.95 KB , 1102x552 , SMx9mn0Q.jpg [iqdb] )
Future techwear Eila coming along nicely.
>> No. 14321 ID: 057b0932
File 154569366893.jpg - ( 223.47 KB , 881x1200 , DvNl-H5UYAARGXk.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 14338 ID: 264c8be2
File 154598315569.jpg - ( 194.46 KB , 1768x2946 , ooiiii.jpg [iqdb] )
Update on the first part of the 4 part Eila commission. Currently assembling the final composition.
>> No. 14339 ID: 41fce3dc
File 15460522158.jpg - ( 104.27 KB , 1076x1504 , 658489419874.jpg [iqdb] )
That looks fantastic!
>> No. 14340 ID: 23949341
File 15460827979.png - ( 843.55 KB , 1200x1065 , Commission-Final-Image-Small.png [iqdb] )
Another commission just came in finished. A very relevant crossover with Girls' Frontline MG42.
>> No. 14343 ID: 0f3e6989
File 15467600967.png - ( 1.54 MB , 1600x819 , progression1-assemble-small.png [iqdb] )
Commission is progressing nicely. Almost done.
>> No. 14353 ID: aea39351
File 154826895189.jpg - ( 108.96 KB , 1000x562 , commission_finished.jpg [iqdb] )
Techwear Eila!
>> No. 14356 ID: 5340820b
File 15486463138.png - ( 490.88 KB , 1227x754 , jacketcapture.png [iqdb] )
Links to the 3D models used are right here.


S2 Runway:
>> No. 14357 ID: 8a99c3c6
File 154894465097.jpg - ( 414.24 KB , 680x1477 , 20101231-460.jpg [iqdb] )
I think she forgot something.
>> No. 14358 ID: 9b22fa2b
Not the worst edit I've seen, but the lines look a little rough.
>> No. 14362 ID: e1f8d4db
File 154930047084.jpg - ( 65.96 KB , 800x705 , Eila thumbs up - mozixya.jpg [iqdb] )
I can't help but think the mouth should be much lower there for Eila, it looks a tad bit weird but regardless good fun fanart.
Princess carrying is after all one of the best things out there.

That one's cool as heck.
>> No. 14364 ID: 0ad9ffb4
Ah the mouth thing is just koreans being koreans. Exaggerated smugness.
>> No. 14373 ID: 290abede
Happy Birthday Illu!
>> No. 14913 ID: 6cec7213
File 157735237266.png - ( 133.39 KB , 457x695 , sleepo_progress_3_variant_1.png [iqdb] )
Been a while, but there's a commission in the works. Underwear is based on Kurashima Tomoyasu's designs in the doujin art books he put out a while back. Will eventually be fully colored.
>> No. 14915 ID: b3362ea2
I'm having trouble recognize the one on the right. Excellent underwear inspiration though.
>> No. 14919 ID: 00f4f7e0
File 157738796987.png - ( 1.59 MB , 1280x905 , underwear inspiration.png [iqdb] )
It's Nipa hahaha. The designs from these art books are so great. As expected of S2's chief animation director.
>> No. 14921 ID: 6c70a11c
File 157742265663.jpg - ( 870.95 KB , 2518x3752 , EMxGVrCUcAEigML.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 14922 ID: bcc79375
I can see why one would have trouble,the artist made her hair a bit longer in the front. Still, Eila doesn't have too many large sized, short haired blondes she's comfortable sleeping with.
>> No. 14924 ID: 9e651010
Ahh, of course. I'm feeling a bit dumb now but as >>14922 said the front bangs are massive and threw me off completely with how fluffy she's looking.
Also the ears look a bit different too.
>> No. 14926 ID: 2434065a

Yeah I can see now why you were initially confused. Welp, probably can’t go back and have that fixed now since things are already in the color stage, and I’d feel bad asking for edits this deep into the commission. I was a bit too focused on getting the body positioning just right.
>> No. 14927 ID: 2434065a
File 157762220929.jpg - ( 331.12 KB , 1536x2048 , 92C95CD9-B874-4961-966D-D1232709C1C6.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 14928 ID: bcc79375
Lets just say it's some time after Eila returns to Suomus and that happened after a lengthy catching up session, that may have involved some enthusiastic clothing removal and wrestling.
>> No. 14942 ID: ddb8b609
File 157826268456.jpg - ( 133.43 KB , 1920x1080 , ENiKC8JUcAAutCr.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 14946 ID: 346626f2
File 157862492618.png - ( 2.94 MB , 2372x3343 , 11.png [iqdb] )
Commission came out pretty nice.
>> No. 14947 ID: f2faa664
Looks fantastic! Who was the artist for this one anyway?
>> No. 14948 ID: d5602d86
File 157879112013.png - ( 2.93 MB , 2372x3343 , 33.png [iqdb] )
The artist is Tiltshift/Azalanz (https://twitter.com/Azalanz). They're a fan of the series too so it is pretty fun getting commissions from them.
>> No. 14949 ID: 06ff39e8
Huh, I don't know if it was the color, shading, or just the fact that they have their eyes closed but I couldn't tell it was them. Makes sense though.
Regardless, nice followup pic.
>> No. 14988 ID: 20dd9500
File 158222280419.png - ( 3.82 MB , 2250x1285 , Chzcommission_small.png [iqdb] )
Eila commission I got done for her birthday.
Artist: https://twitter.com/Riflema19449003
>> No. 14992 ID: 58f900d3
File 158233067332.png - ( 3.39 MB , 3267x4627 , Eila.png [iqdb] )
My contribution for Eila's birthday.
>> No. 14997 ID: 685a0ca0
are there more like this from the other witches?
>> No. 14998 ID: 9fa60274
File 158276977864.jpg - ( 2.52 MB , 3235x4635 , img0019.jpg [iqdb] )
It's from Humikane's The World Witches 2018 artbook. You can find it in full on exhentai.
I translated Eila's page for her birthday, the rest of them are untranslated to my knowledge.
However, most, I assume, are just taken from their respective World Witches articles (e.g., >>10957).
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