No. 15593
ID: 6b57b8af
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, 1263x1080
, ep 5 16_15_100.png
>This is the first time I've ever eaten a spicy cookie. Definitely a new experience.
One time I asked me sister to get me a cookie, since I was too busy playing Runescape to get one myself, so she brought me one that she poured hot sauce on. It was also spicy.
>I made the mistake of eating 2 packets at once with the 2 full spice packets and it was hell. It was so spicy that I was literally sweating. Milk and water were useless and I was reflecting on my decisions which had led me to that point.
I think the one you sent was around 8,000 Scovilles, yours was probably a few times that.
Just crazy the things people cook up.
>I'll have to let you experience the volcano ramen or another less spicy flavor another time.
The spiciest pepper I'd buy would probably be a bell, so keep that in mind.
>Noted. I'll have to bake some of my own once your supply is up. Thanks.
Good luck, hope they come out good.
I think spiced sweets are underrated. I'm currently making a spiced Tres Leches cake for Christm/a/s. Normal recipe, but with cardamom, turmeric, and nutmeg. Hope it comes out good.