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File 142029154988.jpg - ( 104.01KB , 900x600 , 47922057_p0.jpg [iqdb] )
7379 No. 7379 ID: 51c2234c
Dear admin,

I couldn't find a way to contact you properly, so here goes. I've been here for some time, and I find the site, while functional, lacks a lot of features. For example, auto updating

If possible, I'd like to help improve the site generally. I believe there are some other Anons that have the necessary skills too, so I hope we can somehow work this out together.

Expand all images
>> No. 7396 ID: 6bd112f0
There's lot of things I want to add (webms, etc), but I'm pretty incompetent at web development. If someone can make or link pre-made scripts that work with kusaba X I could probably shove them in pretty quickly though.

There's also that whole front page thing I had planned, but that too fell victim to me being unable to HTML/art.
>> No. 7398 ID: 7da49295
Kusaba X is long dead. Footer shows Kusaba 0.9, but the last updated version is 1.0, on 2013. Then again, I wouldn't be motivated to tear down and rebuild Helma from scratch.

Is there anyway for developers to contribute? I've included my email for communication. The most important thing is access to code. If we can't see the code, we can't help much.
>> No. 7402 ID: 6bd112f0
Honestly there's pretty much nothing in my code that's different from default kusaba. Just a couple file type and style changes, which would be easy enough to work around on my end.

I imagine if anyone wants to contribute they could just use that as a base?
>> No. 7403 ID: 6bd112f0

Here's the version that I used:
>> No. 7409 ID: 7da49295
Are you interested in updating to 0.9.3, which was the last version for 0.9.x?

>> No. 7411 ID: 6bd112f0

I could probably manage it. But the updating won't get done tonight because it's getting late.
>> No. 7414 ID: 7da49295
Understandable. I just want to know the right base, so I can start trying it out.

I assume a large part of the config is left with the defaults? With the exception of necessary files like database password and root directory?
>> No. 7415 ID: 6bd112f0

It has been a very long time since I've messed with it, but I think that's the case.

About all I've done over the years is add support for various file types, and a couple board styles.

Worst case scenario, I can use winmerge to check for conflicts/missing stuff.
>> No. 7418 ID: 7da49295
Glad to hear that. I'll probably have the code live in GitHub or BitBucket, so its easier for other (if any) to contribute.

I'll post the link once it's up.
>> No. 7419 ID: 6bd112f0

Alright. Thanks for the help, I appreciate it!

I'll begin updating the site tomorrow in preparation.
>> No. 7423 ID: 7da49295
Only helping out of my free time :)

To begin with, when you (and the boards) are ready, I think you should enable this setting on all boards:

> Redirect to thread:
> If set to yes, users will be redirected to the thread they replied to/posted after posting. If set to no, users will be redirected to the first page of the board. Default: No
>> No. 7443 ID: 6bd112f0
Something came up so I'm going to have to postpone updating until later tonight.
>> No. 7445 ID: 7da49295
I've only started a blank slate... Hopefully things get rolling soon.

>> No. 7447 ID: 7da49295
Couple of things on my mind now, now that I'm a little familiar with Kusaba. Please tell me what you think.

I'm planning to rewrite the whole front end aspect, HTML, CSS and JS to make things look better. As such, things may break, but nothing serious. Of course, I'll try to test it thoroughly before I propose the update to you.

I'm also planning to include jQuery or the lighter Zepto to help speed things up. This might contribute to what people call bloat, so I need your opinion.
>> No. 7449 ID: 6bd112f0
Just updated the site. Almost lost a couple of the newest posts, but thankfully I make backups of backups.

>jQuery or the lighter Zepto

It's kind of embarrassing since I've been on the internet since '96, but I don't really know anything about things like that. If you think it looks good or it's more efficient, I'll definitely give it a shot. The server should also have plenty of processing power available to handle any extra bloat.

Wish I could be more helpful in regards to this.
>> No. 7450 ID: 6bd112f0
Enabled "redirect to thread" on all main boards.
>> No. 7451 ID: 7da49295
So I saw. I was half panicking when I see the page 404, while its regenerating.

jQuery or Zepto is on the client side, which is executed by browser, so no need for server power. No problems, even I have things I don't know about the web. I'll first move all the HTML code to HTML5.
>> No. 7467 ID: b342962f
File 142079639333.png - ( 40.52KB , 1366x658 , capture.png [iqdb] )
Progress update!

So, I have decided on jQuery instead, and am currently working my way down the management side first.
>> No. 7469 ID: 6bd112f0

Sounds good. The management screen has always been the weakest part of this board in my opinion.
>> No. 7470 ID: 36e06fc8
Any issues that you would like to highlight?
Might as well while I'm working on it.
>> No. 7471 ID: 6bd112f0

It's been a while since I've really used it, but if I recall, the following could be improved:

Moving threads (takes too many steps - it would be nice to be able to move threads directly from the board, instead of having to go to the manage screen. Kind of like the ban/delete options.)

No way to stay logged in (logs out after every session)

Also, the reports function is currently broken. Says there's two reports, but doesn't show them. No way to clear them. I think what happened was that the offending posts were deleted before the reports section was checked. Maybe add a button to remove all reports?
>> No. 7472 ID: e4b67a1c
>Moving threads
Hmm, it is possible. I'll see if I can add a "Move Thread" along with ban and delete.

>No way to stay logged in (logs out after every session)
"Remember Me" feature is a pretty tricky case, with every security expert having their own opinion. I'll have to put this on hold, and hopefully come back to it.

>reports function is currently broken
That's weird. The back end is just a simple count of how many reports which were deemed not cleared. Could you try to make a report, and see if the count goes up?

After that, clear the report, and see if the count goes down? I suspect that it might be a database problem.

Also, do you mind that I force the admin to only use one theme? I'm a little lazy to allow different themes in the admin. It is currently on Burichan-like theme, If you have a preferred theme, do inform me, so I could make the necessary changes.
>> No. 7473 ID: d75df6ce
>reports function
I've seen the count go up with new reports, but it goes back to 2 after clearing them.
>> No. 7474 ID: e4b67a1c
If so, I'd suspect something wrong with the database. Kusaba X is running on a database engine that is rather prone to corruption.
Do you or your hosting have PHPMyAdmin? Could you check the table to see if there are any entries?
>> No. 7475 ID: 6bd112f0

Checked out phpmyadmin, I only saw a couple of 1kb~ ish entries. I think it's because I ended up using sqlite as the DB because I was too much of a noob to set up a proper one. Probably a bad idea in the long run but it worked.

I suppose the reports thing isn't that big of a deal anyhow, I never use it.
>> No. 7479 ID: 10595ee5
Ah, so you were using SQLite. It will hold up well under low traffic. Well, there is a way to access the database, if you want to.


Not a solution, but I can place a bandaid by always deducting two from the report number.
>> No. 7480 ID: 6bd112f0

I'll try messing around with it later tonight.
>> No. 7522 ID: a85b31ec
File 142151065377.jpg - ( 34.43KB , 229x652 , Capture.jpg [iqdb] )
Any updates on the matter? Also, could you please inform me on what functions you use in the admin panel? Its tedious and discouraging, sifting through the unorganized code.

Please refer to the image. I could tell if its important, such as "Rebuild All HTML Files", but do you use "Manage Ads" or "Manage Embeds"?
>> No. 7523 ID: a85b31ec
Shit, I mean to add, it is too tedious to restyle all the functions, so I'll skip on those that you don't use.
>> No. 7524 ID: 6a0d6d85
Hey, your new 404 page doesn't work unless at site root. (The image should use absolute link instead of relative.)
>> No. 7530 ID: bf6c53b0
Not admin, but nice catch. I've written another 404 page on the link below, so admin, if you're seeing this, maybe you can improvise on it.

>> No. 7531 ID: 942dcf54
>Any updates on the matter?

I poked around with it, but there were no instructions, and since I know literally nothing about getting PHP scripts up and running (I haven't had very much time to learn this due to new work contracts), I decided to just leave it be. The reports problem is pretty much cosmetic, and I've never used it anyhow because I just check each board by hand.

>Also, could you please inform me on what functions you use in the admin panel? Its tedious and discouraging, sifting through the unorganized code.

Add/delete boards
Spam filter
Move thread
Edit filetypes (rarely)
Rebuild HTML files

Everything in the "Boards" section.

Honestly, I pretty much never use anything in the "Moderation" section. I can usually do most of those actions straight from the board and that's far more convenient.


I'll work on setting that up right away.

Thank you for you hard work, and once again I wish I could be more useful. I'll try to learn more about using cpanel if I can find some free time.
>> No. 7532 ID: 942dcf54
I was poking around in my cpanel and found an option to automatically install adminer.

Guess that makes things a bit simpler.
>> No. 7533 ID: 942dcf54
Fixed the reports problem. Apparently two reports from the GUP board never got the "report cleared" flag.
>> No. 7534 ID: 96ab7bb3
Good to know that the report problem is fixed! Also, thanks for the list of functions, it will help a lot.

Always welcomed mate. Work has been rather stale, so working on this has been a refresher every now and then.

Learning CPanel would be a great exposure to get you cozy with all the innards of the system. Don't sweat about PHP. If anything, its a matter of time before you come to dislike it.

Assuming that you worked on the 404 page from scratch, I see that your HTML skills are pretty old. Stuff like <font face="foo"> are considered deprecated already. w3schools is a good resource for a refresher.
>> No. 7535 ID: 942dcf54

Yeah I did the 404 screen mostly from scratch, while looking at a couple ancient websites I used to go to as a reference.
>> No. 7537 ID: e3c1e57e
I also noticed that the 404 page was written like 90's HTML, but I didn't care. Why? It works. I prefer practicality over standard-compliance. KISS and if it ain't broken, don't fix it. Sure, it was a blast from the past that causes webdesigners to cringe, but it would still work on anything.

PS. The new HTML5 404 page you wrote is also broken and invalid - HTML tag closes before BODY tag. ;)
>> No. 7538 ID: af823f2b
>PS. The new HTML5 404 page you wrote is also broken and invalid - HTML tag closes before BODY tag. ;)

Good catch. Just fixed it.

At least HTML seems to be pretty forgiving. If this was in ASM68k or something the whole site probably would've gotten nuked by that.
>> No. 7539 ID: 54a36732
File 142163878332.png - ( 17.89KB , 768x361 , capture.png [iqdb] )
Great to see that someone else noticed it. I realized it after admin updated the page, and since I might bundle in a 404 page along with the improvements, I thought I'd leave it for now.

Currently I am finished with Board Admin, skipping the few functions admin mentioned. They are still functional, but just don't look good.

When I'm done with the Admin part, I'll guide admin on updating it, before moving on to the user part.
>> No. 7550 ID: 71c2f29b
Right, so I have completed all the functions listed as required in >>7531 . I believe you would have backup of backups handy.

You can check the changes at https://github.com/altbdoor/kusaba-helma/compare/develop?diff=split&name=develop .
As for a copy, https://github.com/altbdoor/kusaba-helma/archive/develop.zip .

Firstly, I would need you to copy everything in the "custom" folder. Its a bunch of new CSS and JS for the admin section. There's a SQL file straying there, but its for development purpose only. Its safe to exclude the SQL file.

In https://github.com/altbdoor/kusaba-helma/compare/develop?diff=split&name=develop#diff-16 , I'd appreciate it if you could add some spaces, like in the right. Just a peeve of mine.

I'll keep it at this for now, and there should be no noticeable changes on whatever. We'll continue to more important files next.
>> No. 7554 ID: 4fa9aa23
File 142231986234.png - ( 41.07 KB , 400x450 , helmacomputer2.png [iqdb] )

Thanks for your hard work! I've compared the changes and added everything.

After some basic tests, everything seems to be functioning fine. The board menu on the left is an incorrect color, but has no impact on functionality. I'm going to see what I can do about that in a little.

In order to streamline the updating, I think I'm going to email you my current code base later tonight, as I had to spend a good chunk of time comparing files to make sure there wasn't any custom code on my end getting left out. This should make it easier for everyone involved.
>> No. 7555 ID: 71c2f29b
>I've compared the changes and added everything.
Ah, I was planning to guide you step by step, starting with the basics. Not all files should be changed, as I've jumped around between the admin and user interface. Admin is largely completed, but not user, hence, the no-color-sidebar.

>I'm going to email you my current code base later tonight
That would help speed things up a lot, thanks. I suppose that there will be some sensitive data (like passwords and whatnot), so I'll make a private repository and invite you after.
>> No. 7556 ID: 4fa9aa23
>Not all files should be changed, as I've jumped around between the admin and user interface. Admin is largely completed, but not user, hence, the no-color-sidebar.

Ah, my bad. Guess I'll restore the original menu files.

>That would help speed things up a lot, thanks. I suppose that there will be some sensitive data (like passwords and whatnot),

Yeah, I'll send everything except the config and database files, which should be the only things with passwords.
>> No. 7557 ID: 4fa9aa23
Files have been sent.
>> No. 7558 ID: 71c2f29b
Received! Also, I noticed that you have merged some of my test boards into Helma, which include /apple/, /test/ and /nexttets/. They are folders in the root directory, and should be removed.
>> No. 7559 ID: 71c2f29b
Looks like there is no need for a private repository. From a glance, the code seems safe to be publicly available. So yeah, it is safe to ignore my invitation to BitBucket.
>> No. 7560 ID: 37c89444

Understood. I'll remove those extra boards.
>> No. 7562 ID: 71c2f29b
Could I have a look into how rotate.php works?
>> No. 7563 ID: 37c89444

Ugh, looks like I forgot to include that one.


I suppose a lot of the commenting could be removed.
>> No. 7564 ID: 71c2f29b
Looking at the code, I suppose that the random images reside in the /rotate folder.
Is there a reason why you use this script? I could only see it being used to prevent image hotlinking.
>> No. 7565 ID: 83f2460f
>I suppose that the random images reside in the /rotate folder.


>Is there a reason why you use this script? I could only see it being used to prevent image hotlinking.

It's the only way I know of to get a rotating banner to work.
>> No. 7567 ID: 71c2f29b
File 142258280387.png - ( 8.99 KB , 968x255 , capture.png [iqdb] )
The process can be simplified a lot more then.
I'll include it in the next update as well, which has some minor fixes for the admin section.

Currently working on the board aspect, so things will be a lot slower.
>> No. 7569 ID: 71c2f29b
Here's a minor update. You can check the changes at https://github.com/altbdoor/kusaba-helma/commit/18181314b923979a0016d3477f3082a0d54974cb?diff=split

Things to be aware of:
- Rename 404.shtml to 404.html, since there is no server side stuff in it.
- Rename 404.JPG to 404.jpg, since extensions should be lowercase.
- The .htaccess update may break stuff, make a backup before trying it out!

I'll send you an email with a small zip file of the changed files only, to make it easier for you to make the update.
>> No. 7570 ID: 83f2460f
>- Rename 404.shtml to 404.html, since there is no server side stuff in it.
- Rename 404.JPG to 404.jpg, since extensions should be lowercase.

Manually fixed that before downloading the latest files and then noticed that the included htaccess already had the fixes!

>I'll send you an email with a small zip file of the changed files only, to make it easier for you to make the update.

This should make things go a lot faster. Had to track and compare everything manually last time.

Thanks for the update.
>> No. 7571 ID: 83f2460f
Update applied and everything seems to be functioning fine.
>> No. 7577 ID: 71c2f29b
>noticed that the included htaccess already had the fixes
I am afraid that I do not understand this. What do you mean? Seems like the .htaccess was not updated.

On a side note, I am working on the embed part now, and I wonder if it is redundant. Google Video is long dead, and we can detect and embed YouTube link in posts instead. What do you think about removing it?
>> No. 7578 ID: 71c2f29b
File 142284996777.png - ( 30.30 KB , 1103x461 , capture.png [iqdb] )
Forgotten image of current status
>> No. 7581 ID: 83f2460f
>I am afraid that I do not understand this. What do you mean?

What I was trying to say earlier is that I manually updated the htaccess to display 404.html instead of 404.shtml (it defaulted to shtml which is why I had it like that in the first place) and then noticed that you included a htaccess that already had the changes in the 7z after I finished doing it.

>Seems like the .htaccess was not updated.

I just checked it and it's updated. I used the htaccess that you included in update_30Jan2015.7z.

Sorry if I'm not being very clear, I've got a bad case of the flu right now.
>> No. 7582 ID: 83f2460f
>On a side note, I am working on the embed part now, and I wonder if it is redundant. Google Video is long dead

Might as well get rid of the google video option then.

>and we can detect and embed YouTube link in posts instead. What do you think about removing it?

I'm not too sure about auto-embedding videos. Some people might not want their posts to have an embed because it can kind of make things look cluttered.

I think in this case it might be better to keep the embed field, and just make it work with only youtube.
>> No. 7586 ID: 0402a420
>I've got a bad case of the flu right now.
Aye, I'd figure more or less since you usually reply pretty fast. Get well soon!

>just make it work with only youtube.
Sounds fine by me. Forcing user to manually obtain the video ID seems to be a hassle. I'll work with Regex to extract the video ID directly.
>> No. 7593 ID: 71c2f29b
File 142320131757.png - ( 151.12 KB , 726x461 , capture.png [iqdb] )
Current progress on the thread theme. Its unfinished, and am currently working on adding a reverse image search function.
>> No. 7595 ID: 07a61e7d

Looks good so far. Reverse image searching should be pretty handy too.
>> No. 7600 ID: c6d48c82
File 142329886726.jpg - ( 38.19 KB , 722x291 , Capture.jpg [iqdb] )
I've got a few questions for ya. Could you check the phpinfo (I think you can dig around in CPanel), and see if mod_deflate, or mod_gzip is enabled?

These plugins for Apache helps to compress the webpages before delivery, resulting in faster loading times and less bandwidth usage.

If they are unavailable, is mod_rewrite enabled? I could write a manual webpage compress, but it might be a tiny little extra stress for CPU.

Alternatively, you can sign up for Cloudflare, but be careful with the settings, as by default, Cloudflare caches webpages aggressively, which is the opposite of the nature of Kusaba.
>> No. 7612 ID: 10b9aab1
I poked around cpanel and found the php config section, but it had almost nothing listed so I ended up just making a phpinfo file myself. "mod_deflate" "mod_gzip" and "mod_rewrite" weren't listed anywhere. And unfortunately I don't think I can enable them on my side since this site is on shared hosting and pretty much locked out of making any real changes. I have no php.ini to edit or anything else that's useful.

So unless I screwed up somewhere I think that might be a lost cause. It's not that big of a deal though, I barely even use half of my monthly bandwidth despite the massive amount of image leeching going on (which I don't really mind at the moment).

Anyhow I'll email you a link to the phpconfig so you can look through it yourself.
>> No. 7613 ID: 0fe27b2d
Thanks, the phpinfo really helped. Looks like the Apache modules were not listed there, probably for security questions.

From the domain whois, I would assume that Helma is under InspiroHost? I have fired an email in regards to this to them, but I don't have my hopes high.

>I barely even use half of my monthly bandwidth
If I was right about InspiroHost, I guess all the hoo-hah about "unlimited bandwidth and space" has deeply rooted terms and conditions.

If all else fails, signing up for Cloudflare would not be too bad.

Since Helma is in shared hosting server, I doubt we can properly implement WebM support. I'll see what I can manage.
>> No. 7619 ID: 10b9aab1
>If I was right about InspiroHost, I guess all the hoo-hah about "unlimited bandwidth and space" has deeply rooted terms and conditions.

Pretty much. Currently monthly bandwidth is capped at 48.83 GB. No idea what the actual space limit is though.


I'll see what I can do.


I managed to allow webm uploading on one of my test boards, but I never got around to properly adding a thumbnailer script for it since that's kind of beyond my ability at the moment.
>> No. 7621 ID: 71c2f29b
>adding a thumbnailer script
Yeah, uploading can be done, because it is the same as other file or image. Problem arises when we need a thumbnail, which is usually done with ffmpeg.


InspiroHost claims to provide ffmpeg support for shared hosting. Then again, I wouldn't know how I can access ffmpeg to perform the necessary actions. Also, they have yet to get back to me on the last issue.

Alternatively we can use a standard image for webm, with the drawback being users not knowing what the content is.
>> No. 7635 ID: 10b9aab1
>Also, they have yet to get back to me on the last issue.

I would be surprised if they ever did.

>Alternatively we can use a standard image for webm, with the drawback being users not knowing what the content is.

I was thinking about that a while ago, but I ended up not doing it because it would make moderating them a pain.
>> No. 7636 ID: ee1187d1
>it would make moderating them a pain.
Ah, true. I haven't thought of that. I believe I have read somewhere that the preview image can be generated on the browser, but it can still be tampered.

>I would be surprised if they ever did.
I suppose we'll try an experiment then. Firstly, save the pastebin file as "gzhandler.php" and place it in the root folder.


Go into .htaccess, and add the following lines from pastebin.


In short, it redirects requests for HTML, CSS and JS files to the PHP handler, which uses PHP buffer to make gzipped content.

If it fails, it will throw an error, and the page will fail to render (in one way or another). If you see anything amiss, revert it by removing the added lines in the .htaccess.

If it works, keep it, and I'll see if everything is running well.
>> No. 7637 ID: 10b9aab1

Done. Seems like everything's working fine.
>> No. 7638 ID: ee1187d1
File 142371600724.png - ( 42.97 KB , 710x286 , capture.png [iqdb] )
Cheers! Everything is well. Pages should load a lot faster now, although it is probably not noticeable if you have good internets. I have a few extra questions.

- To confirm, all boards are image boards (with exception of /ok/), am I right?
- Do you plan to keep /ok/?
- Should I hide the subject field when replying?
>> No. 7639 ID: 10b9aab1
>Cheers! Everything is well.

Good to hear!

>although it is probably not noticeable if you have good internets.

My internet's bad enough to notice, hah.

>To confirm, all boards are image boards (with exception of /ok/), am I right?

All of the main boards are, yes. I do have a hidden file uploading board though, and I would like to keep that operational.

>Do you plan to keep /ok/?

It's dead, but I would still like to keep it around.

>Should I hide the subject field when replying?

Might as well.
>> No. 7640 ID: ee1187d1
Kusaba comes with four types of boards, which you can see in board options.
So it's safe to assume that I do not need to maintain text boards?
>> No. 7641 ID: ee1187d1
To add, /ok/ animations does not seem to work for me. Do they work for you?
>> No. 7642 ID: 10b9aab1

>So it's safe to assume that I do not need to maintain text boards?

Yeah, I don't think I'm ever going to use that.

>To add, /ok/ animations does not seem to work for me. Do they work for you?

They don't work. I don't think they ever have.
>> No. 7643 ID: ee1187d1
>They don't work. I don't think they ever have.
That's strange. To add, Java-based oekaki painters are pretty much killed by the latest Java update. From another oekaki board:


- Java 8 has blocked access to unsigned applets, in which ShiPainter is affected.
- An error message would appear with "Application Blocked by Java Security"

- Revert Java to version 7 instead
- User manually adds site to exception list (which worked for me)
- Buy security certificates from third party companies and sign applet

From here on, I could see two possible endings. One, archive /ok/ and disable posting. Two, continue with /ok/ with a warning message to inform future users.

What's your take?
>> No. 7644 ID: 10b9aab1

I think I'll just archive the board since it's dead anyhow.
>> No. 7647 ID: ee1187d1
File 142382123490.png - ( 231.26 KB , 800x600 , capture.png [iqdb] )
Alright. I think there's a lock option in Board Options which will lock down the whole board. I'll bring its style up to date as well, and probably hide the View Animation, since it's not working.

Current preview of post preview while hovering.
>> No. 7648 ID: 10b9aab1
>I think there's a lock option in Board Options which will lock down the whole board.

Yeah I already locked it.

>Current preview of post preview while hovering.

Looking good so far!
>> No. 7651 ID: 60573bfa
I've no idea what's going on ITT, but please keep up the good work.

Do the improvements include inline image expansion?
>> No. 7655 ID: a9253ec4
There's a short summary in https://github.com/altbdoor/kusaba-helma . This thread serves more or less as a discussion. Ideas and opinions are welcome!

>Do the improvements include inline image expansion?
Yes, for each individual image. Actually it already supports inline expansion as well, but its only a choice of "expand all images" or none.
>> No. 7713 ID: fc492585
Apologies for the lack of updates recently. Work has been rather hectic, so it has taken a setback.
>> No. 7715 ID: fc492585
File 142615231211.png - ( 22.61 KB , 764x454 , capture.png [iqdb] )
Working on /ok/ now. As you can see in the image, there will be a red bar above informing users. There will be a link back to >>7641 , so users know why it was disabled.

Since animation is pretty much the same as painting, "View animation" is replaced with the text to inform users.

Any opinions?
>> No. 7716 ID: 8a96cf0c

That's alright, I've been busy too.


Looking good so far.
>> No. 7718 ID: fc492585
I'm curious, what do you work as? IT-related? I work as a Web Developer in a company, dealing with PHP and occasionally Python.

Completed the quick reply, which will make it easier for users to reply, instead of scrolling to the top again. Like 4chan, its draggable around the screen.
>> No. 7719 ID: fc492585
File 142622809359.png - ( 71.49 KB , 765x543 , capture.png [iqdb] )
Gah, forgot image.
>> No. 7720 ID: a308090d
File 14262504263.jpg - ( 73.29 KB , 1421x702 , Injection_Molding_Machine_Clamping_Unit_machine_in.jpg [iqdb] )

Hah, no. I'm literally the only employee in a plastic injection moulding factory. And I do everything imaginable from machine maintenance to packing. Really wears me down though.


Looking good. Should make posting a lot easier instead of having to scroll all the way to the top every time.
>> No. 7722 ID: 6598edbc
File 14262804383.jpg - ( 44.75 KB , 500x375 , 1304509749937.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 7728 ID: 425fc881
I see. Being the only employee would generally be demotivating. Nevertheless, I wish you well on your future endeavors.

Regarding .webm, I have a workaround idea (since InspiroHost have not yet replied me...). After Helma uploads the file to its server, it will ask another server with ffmpeg capability, to retrieve and process the thumbnail from Helma. The server then returns the thumbnail for Helma to store.

Just a theory at the moment, but it does seem viable.

Glad that you liked it. Look forward to it when we get to update the site!
>> No. 7730 ID: 14662e0e
I was pretty excited by the idea, so I went and rolled out a proof-of-concept. Since Helma does not have any .webm files, for the moment, the script sources from 4chan.

Thumbnail: https://e-iro.rhcloud.com/helma_webm?board=wsg&id=1424962372331
Source: http://boards.4chan.org/wsg/thread/573247#p573247
>> No. 7734 ID: 29f393eb
>Regarding .webm, I have a workaround idea (since InspiroHost have not yet replied me...). After Helma uploads the file to its server, it will ask another server with ffmpeg capability, to retrieve and process the thumbnail from Helma. The server then returns the thumbnail for Helma to store.
>I was pretty excited by the idea, so I went and rolled out a proof-of-concept. Since Helma does not have any .webm files, for the moment, the script sources from 4chan.

That's a clever work around! But I do have some concerns. Wouldn't this technically be leeching bandwidth/processing off of another sites server? I can't imagine the kind of trouble there would be if a bunch of /b/ros found out that some tiny site was leeching bandwidth from their site. And I don't make nearly enough to purchase another separate server for scripts.

Or am I completely misunderstanding the process?

>> No. 7735 ID: fc492585
Nope, you got the whole process right.

Firstly, the script is running on my personal free server (e-iro), which is hosted by OpenShift. OpenShift provides free servers, with no hard limits on bandwidth, unless it becomes abusive.

Man, Kusaba's blacklist pattern is a little bit too literal and I got banned lol. Had to post the links in a paste.

Like you mentioned, I don't foresee Helma becoming abusive. Plus, I have some scripts of about the same level running at the moment.

I host the script on my personal instance because its easier for me to maintain. If you have concerns (privacy and whatnot), I can guide you on setting up the script on your own OpenShift account.
>> No. 7736 ID: 81ea1889

If it's your own server or whatever, then yeah I have no problems with that. Just didn't want to anger any 3rd party websites.

>Man, Kusaba's blacklist pattern is a little bit too literal and I got banned lol. Had to post the links in a paste.

Probably my fault. I've added so much to the spam filter that it's massive right now.
>> No. 7737 ID: eca22ac3
File 142639927868.jpg - ( 2.79 KB , 126x116 , 1374540158843.jpg [iqdb] )
I can assure you that it is running on my own server, so no worries.

>Probably my fault. I've added so much to the spam filter that it's massive right now.
Nah, I don't think so. "openshift dot com" was banned as it contains "t dot co". Probably a flaw in the script, so I'll give it a look.
>> No. 7739 ID: 81ea1889

Apparently that's an actual entry in my filter. I just removed it.

Now if only my 999 filters for the word N i k E and all it's variations would actually work..
>> No. 7740 ID: 81ea1889
Oh and on a side note, I've been giving some thought to possibly broadening the horizons of /sw/.

I was thinking about keeping the board focused mainly on Strike Witches, but also allowing general mecha-musume/kancolle/armor-girls/whatever discussion and image-dumping to take place on the same board.

Although the target demographic would shift slightly, I'm hoping doing something like that would encourage more posters and bring some life to this place.

Still have to give it some thought, but it's a possibility. Might be a poll about it in the future.
>> No. 7741 ID: fc492585
We already have a board for /GuP/, so I'd love to see other similar themed boards as well.
If you do start a poll, try to use StrawPoll. Its simple and easy for most users.
>> No. 7749 ID: fc492585
File 142674005085.png - ( 29.60 KB , 1026x472 , capture.png [iqdb] )
Was working with spoiler when I was curious on what other BBCode tags are supported by Kusaba. So the image was what I found by popping the hood.

What's enabled are bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, ASCII art, spoiler and code blocks. Anything you would like to alter? Also, do you know if any of these tags were used in the board before?
>> No. 7750 ID: 81ea1889

I don't think they've been used, but I think they should stay just in case.
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