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File 13267860639.jpg - ( 267.99KB , 985x766 , strikewitches.jpg [iqdb] )
359 No. 359
Tell me that none of you are this demented. For the love of CHRIST, tell me that none of you enjoy this shit. I was browsing /a/ after the recent update moot made; new banners, blocking of poor mods, and raising of image limit to 250, with posts to 500 or something of the like. I just happened across this though...

(Monday, January 16, 2012: 23:38 Pacific Time)

TheAmbassa/d/or !!LB4mgDiKR

Fuck one
Marry one
Kill one
Rape one
Break one
Enslave one
Mute/get rid of (but not kill) one
Ignore one
Befriend one
Adopt one
Fight alongside one

Rape Yoshika
Kill Perrine
Marry Erica
Get rid of Luchinni
Befriend Shirley
Fight Alongside Barkhorn
Ignore Sakamoto
Adopt Sanya
Break Eila
Enslave Lynette
Fuck Minna
Expand all images
>> No. 360
File 13267873237.jpg - ( 458.44KB , 1000x913 , 322292610a60d7e08620d15c8f1e908d.jpg [iqdb] )
well... I do feel a bit overreactive now... Just don't go to any of the extremes.

You know, I'm too tired and a little... yeah. It's too late, and my thread is based on poor circumstances. Good night /sw/.
>> No. 361

Don't worry about it. We all get pissed once in a while.


I stopped browsing /a/ almost immediately after making this board, but I can see I'm not missing much. Of course, /a/ was never really "good" but it's certainly a lot worse than it was in 07.

When I get my crap together and start getting this site "out there" I'll do what I can to make sure it won't get that bad.
>> No. 404
File 132906348432.jpg - ( 257.69KB , 780x527 , eila haet cucumber.jpg [iqdb] )
>no fun allowed
>super srs discussion only
I came to this site because I was expecting it to be like one big /a/ SW thread without all the trolling and >reported. It's not. You guys take yourselves way too seriously and try too hard to distance yourselves from 4chan. Every time I pop by there's someone bitching about someone else acting "too 4chan." Yeah, well no shit; 90% of this board's population is probably from /a/. The culling of "4chan behavior" and maintaining a "standard" is why I left EvaGeeks a while ago.

This should be a place for SW fans to hang out and have a good time talking about their favorite show. Once you start trying to "maintain a standard" you're just going to alienate potential posters and come off as elitist. /a/ may be shit but at least you can post and talk about whatever stupid shit you want and have a good time.

Bottom line: I don't have fun here, and that makes me sad because I had so much fun in the SW threads on /a/. You guys are jerks.

Also, this isn't directed at OP's thread as much as OP's and the board's attitude in general.
>> No. 405
I really don't see the issue here. This site pretty much is the SWT. Only difference being that certain things have their own section now. Normal discussion and things go in /sw/, stupid fun stuff goes here in /ot/, and /cr/ and /ok/ are obvious. As far as being "too 4chan", it's the userbase making that accusation. Probably just a vocal minority too. If anything, I encourage the 4chan attitude. No emoticons, type properly, etc. Although, that's also rather elitist. Bit of a Catch 22 there.
Personally, if I ran the site I would have completely transplanted the SWT experience onto a single board, having only one thread active at a time. Either way, this is a better place for having SW 24 hours a day than /a/ was.
>> No. 407
File 132908910418.jpg - ( 405.09KB , 1000x1414 , 2d664a1d6ad79f598956c3d219f5f5f4.jpg [iqdb] )
Well, what I would like to see is just... we don't go this far, but we don't go so far that nothing fun is to be had. Waifus, explicit implications, dirty talk, doujin postings, I mean just about anything... it's just shit like this I don't like. I mean, c'mon. Really? This is the sort of thing which comes from a first-glance sort of person who just says "I like" and "will fuck (X)." It's like a "dirty" Martini. Keep what makes things good, but don't just go straight to this sort of thing.

Don't any of you get what I mean?
>> No. 408
>I came to this site because I was expecting it to be like one big /a/ SW thread without all the trolling and >reported.

That's what I was aiming for.

>try too hard to distance yourselves from 4chan.

It's not really 4chan that I'm trying to distance myself from, but rather all the angry people that drop shitposts in every thread, which I've been seeing lately.

>Once you start trying to "maintain a standard" you're just going to alienate potential posters and come off as elitist. /a/ may be shit but at least you can post and talk about whatever stupid shit you want and have a good time.

Personally, I try not to keep things too strict. However, I generally let the moderation team do what they feel is right. Sometimes it's a bit much, but that is completely my fault because I haven't really communicated with any of them (I don't really talk much aside from making long-winded posts here). That and I'm still trying to figure out what the community really wants, and how to set guidelines to help achieve those wants.

For the mods:
While we're here, instead of locking /ot/ threads in /sw/, it would probably be better to move them to the proper board. If you guys can even access that option (I have no idea what is/isn't allowed for mods).

>Bottom line: I don't have fun here, and that makes me sad because I had so much fun in the SW threads on /a/. You guys are jerks.

Without sounding pretentious, could you cite some examples? I just want to know what is bothering you specifically.

If it's something like an angry attitude, I addressed it in this post:

If you tell me what is bothering you, and everyone else, I would be more than happy to try to find a solution or at least a compromise. Hardly anything about this site is set in stone.

>If anything, I encourage the 4chan attitude. No emoticons, type properly, etc. Although, that's also rather elitist. Bit of a Catch 22 there.

Me as well. Although I do allow some things, such as minor emoticon usage, to make this site more accessible to the masses.

>Personally, if I ran the site I would have completely transplanted the SWT experience onto a single board, having only one thread active at a time. Either way, this is a better place for having SW 24 hours a day than /a/ was.

I'm interested in any ideas you have about the site. Having everything on one board would be an interesting idea, although I don't think I would do it as a single thread. Everything in one place would help make the site seem faster.

On a side note I was actually considering revamping /ot/'s guidelines since a lot of the threads in /ot/ recently are about Strike Witches and not entirely off topic.

I originally intended /ot/ to be for really off-topic topics like "what's your favorite type of tank" and what not. Maybe meta-threads like this as well. Threads like >>167 could probably go in /sw/.

>Waifus, explicit implications, dirty talk, doujin postings, I mean just about anything... it's just shit like this I don't like.

I'm not a big fan of most of those either, but for now, I have no problem with them from an official stance. That, and all of the lewd stuff goes in the hidden board, /nsfw/, so it's out of sight from anyone that doesn't even want to see or think of that board name on the list.

As I said before, I am more than willing to listen to any complaints or suggestions regarding this site. When it comes to things like a specific attitude on this board, I would like example posts. I read most of the threads here, but I'm not entirely seeing what's causing the anger. If it was pointed out it would help me identify what the problem is.

Basically, if you:
Describe in detail the problem.
Show direct or illustrated examples of the problem.
Suggest ideas on how to fix the problem.

It will help me see what exactly is going on and how to fix it. But remember, I'm catering to many different parties and interests at the same time, and I'm trying to remain as neutral as possible to maximize the userbase. However if there is a certainty of improvement, I will take action.
>> No. 414
>For the mods:
>While we're here, instead of locking /ot/ threads in /sw/, it would probably be better to move them to the proper board. If you guys can even access that option (I have no idea what is/isn't allowed for mods).

Believe me, that's the first thing I would have done if I could.
>> No. 415

Understood. I'll see if I can mess with your permissions.

If all else fails I can just move them myself for the time being.
>> No. 416

I've just promoted you to administrator. This should give you the same powers as me, although I'll still be the only one with core (root, etc) access to the site. Just avoid the edit templates section, and other things like that.
>> No. 417
File 132917775638.jpg - ( 46.17KB , 350x523 , 02c7f91c97b766337f662736a8533022.jpg [iqdb] )
I had to think long and hard on this one, I would kill Minna
Because she has been trough so much, lost all her loved ones. She uses duty as a facade to keep herself from breaking down, but I don't think she can endure losing Mio.

Minna, your smile is a beautiful lie.
I would hug her to sleep, and then relieve her of her worldly burdens.
>> No. 420
File 132919089415.jpg - ( 173.41KB , 1000x690 , 1307338783984.jpg [iqdb] )
Why would you do a "Mercy" kill? T_T
Don't you have any better ideas? As the Beatles said, All You Need is Love! I mean, c'mon! Trust me, if the writers decided to kill off Minna... they'd have a Coup d'état on their hands. You couldn't bring yourself to do it either.
>> No. 430
File 132927124941.png - ( 1.16MB , 1089x773 , trolledgentelly.png [iqdb] )
trolled gentelly
>> No. 449
File 132956222610.jpg - ( 62.31KB , 960x540 , Wonder.jpg [iqdb] )
Fuck Trude
Marry Minna
Kill Perrine
Rape Eila
Break Lucchini
Enslave Lynne
Mute/get rid Perrine
Ignore Sanya
Befriend one Shirley
Adopt Yoshika
Fight alongside Mio
>> No. 479
File 133092466494.jpg - ( 139.00KB , 500x666 , 1306563685363.jpg [iqdb] )
Oh fuck it.

This really draws things far but if there's no hope, I might as well join so as to prove myself a fool... eh... let's just take it on a 'round the campfire context.

Fuck Shirley
Marry Lynne
Kill Yoshika
Rape Trudy
Break Sakamoto
Enslave Erica
Mute Lucchini
Ignore Sanya
Befriend Perrine
Adopt Eila
Fight alongside Minna
>> No. 722
Befriend Yoshika
Ignore Perrine
Befriend Trude
Befriend Sakamoto
Befriend Eila
Befriend Sanya
Befriend Minna
Befriend Shirley
Befriend Lucchini

I know i'd get the generic harem end with nothing actually developing. Oh well.
>> No. 723
Befriend Yoshika
Ignore Perrine
Befriend Trude
Befriend Sakamoto
Befriend Eila
Befriend Sanya
Befriend Minna
Befriend Shirley
Befriend Lucchini
Befriend Lynne
Befriend Erica

I know i'd get the generic harem end with nothing actually developing. Oh well.

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