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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

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941 No. 941
Excerpt from interview with takamura in this month's nyantype. Pardon my N5 language skills.

Q-Please tell us about yourself. When did you start thinking of drawing cute girls?
A-I didnt make a conscious decision, but I think I started in grade school. I drew grafitti on tables, made manga and things like that, though I never really drew girls. In middle school I wanted to become a mangaka and even did submissions to Manga Awards. At that time I was greatly impacted by Studio Ghibli works and aspired to become an animator, thinking “I want to work with Miyazaki Hayao!” I took the entry exam to Studio Ghibli four times, and in the end, I ended up unfullfiled. And so, I entered Gainax. However, if I had worked at Ghibli the frustration in wanting to make works like “Strike Witches” and “Vivid Red” might have built up. That's why, it might have been for the best.
>> No. 942
The should interview Humikane too and hopefully we finally get a picture of this guy.
>> No. 990
Does anyone even know what he looks like?
>> No. 999
People who bought his stuff on his "3rd day of Comiket" maybe?
>> No. 1001
Someone should ask one of them what he looks like.
>> No. 1003
Another interesting tidbit is Takamura actually conceived Vividred before Strike Witches but couldn't start on it because of SW's popularity(2nd season, movie)

So this show has the makings of Takamura's vision of what he really wants SW to be. Even if it isn't so, the SW we saw was probably influenced by Vividred
>> No. 1004
2nd season.. not before the 1st season and that OVA that's already forgotten by all I assume.

We already saw Humikane's Witches drawings as early as 2005. Although it was labelled as Mecha Musume.

I'm betting Strike Witches came first.
>> No. 1005
Of course mecha musume and strike witches came first. I guess I phrased it a bit poorly. Takamura created Vividred before he took up strike witches. I could very well see him injecting bits of vividred into strike witches.

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