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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 135151013086.jpg - ( 37.08KB , 225x321 , 42011.jpg [iqdb] )
927 No. 927
It's strike witches with pants. Now with trailer

Iirc opinions on Takamura are divided but I will give this a shot
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>> No. 928
Pants? More like hot pants

Looking at the PV, seems like some moe form of Mai Otome. Still, Takamura is nothing more than a perverted lolicon. He seems to use every opportunity to insert butt and crotch shots even when it's not needed.

It's a shame his girls look lovely though.

Nevertheless it's definitely NOT A WATCH for me.
>> No. 929
I would say the butt shots are indelibly "takamura style"
>> No. 932
>Takamura is nothing more than a perverted lolicon.

So? Go and watch Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next then. Because I'm sure fat big titted cunts and fake traps tickle your fancy. If it bothers you so much, then why the fuck do you watch Strike Witches then?
>> No. 933
W0W !! Just because I don't prefer having Buttshots being flashed into my face makes me an asshole while actually liking the franchise for other aspects like Girls+Military and action

I just hate the Strike Witches fandom being black and White as if get you need FUCKING assimilate and that you either have to LIKE Strike Witches 100 PERCENT or you become our fucking enemy.

>> No. 934
Alright, take it easy guys.
>> No. 935
Liking girls+military and action. That's fine. But the main problem is your attitude. You're being as vocal and prudish as the idiots at Colony Drop and the Anti-moe brigade are in regards to moe and fanservice. You even say the same shit in regards to Girls und Panzer being better for having little to no fanservice. You don't see me complaining about the lack of fanservice in the Strike Witches movie. The more vocal critics of the fanservice are more present than the ones who simply don't mind it one bit.

>I just hate the Strike Witches fandom being black and White as if get you need FUCKING assimilate and that you either have to LIKE Strike Witches 100 PERCENT or you become our fucking enemy.

If it makes you feel any better, I felt Strike Witches 2 to be pretty weak, even though I still enjoy it from time to time.
>> No. 940
I'd understand if you weren't a fucking Nazi about it and forcing your views on others. But given that you like to call Takamura a paedophile, you have no right to even have an opinion. So go back to watching that Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai bullshit and FOAD, thundercunt.
>> No. 945

>> No. 949
File 135332701635.jpg - ( 500.73KB , 1500x967 , 231274 sample.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 951
File 135332727928.jpg - ( 395.29KB , 1500x912 , 227045 sample.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 952
File 135332754757.jpg - ( 229.80KB , 685x1500 , 230597 sample.jpg [iqdb] )

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