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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 134020643443.jpg - ( 103.51KB , 630x770 , vividred.jpg [iqdb] )
783 No. 783
Very short shorts worn by girls->designed by Kazuhiro Takamura->character designer of Strike Witches anime=Possible in your face butt and crotch shots again.

Some sort of Sci-Fi plot with girls as protagonists.

Possible features of the anime:
*The theme is "friendship"?
*The heroine is a 14-year-old girl
*The director is also designing the characters
*The genre is "girl science-fiction action"
*There are five main heroines
*The heroine lives with her little sister and grandfather
*The heroine's family live an impoverished life in various ways
*Overseeing the series scripts is the director and the main writer
*There is a mecha designer in the main staff
*It is a peaceful world where science has solved all problems
*The story is set on an island teeming with natural surroundings, and an artificial island built by science
*The anime cutely depicts girls who strive to do their best
*The mecha designer has also been responsible for original character designs on other works
*The main writer and mecha designer have worked together on a project (or projects) in the past
*The main writer has created a manga's original story and other roles in manga
*There is a nickname that fans have given the director

I guess this anime will be another Acquired Taste type just like Strike Witches.
>> No. 784
So, it's Sky Girls but just not my Fumikane.
>> No. 785
So, it's Sky Girls but without Fumikane?
>> No. 786
Yep, likely. I'm may not look forward to this considering how I dislike Takamura. He just reeks of Lolicon making girls run around in panties for no reason and flashing it to my eyes when not really needed.


Well, not really. I'll just wait for the trailers and see if it's interesting enough.
>> No. 787
Yep, likely. I will not watch this considering how I dislike Takamura. He just reeks of Lolicon making girls run around in panties for no reason and flashing it to my eyes when not really needed.


Well, not really. I'll just wait for the trailers and see if it's interesting enough.
>> No. 790
I'm totally psyched about this. I love optimistic science fiction, and the writer is that of my favorite anime (Sound of the Sky). Plus the Strike Witches style. Could go wrong, but I expect this becoming my favorite anime of the year.

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