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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 161279709364.png - ( 37.40 KB , 350x150 , capture.png [iqdb] )
1353 No. 1353
Curious to know, since most of the banner images sport the old helma.us domain. How were they updated to the current domain?

Was there already a script to just regenerate them, or did you edit each one of the image?
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>> No. 1354
File 161284002296.png - ( 114.19 KB , 350x150 , 1.png [iqdb] )
>Was there already a script to just regenerate them, or did you edit each one of the image?
I edited each banner myself. Most of them sport simple text on solid backgrounds, so it was a matter of obtaining the right font (I used WhatTheFont) and replacing the .us TLD.

At least one featured an outline around the text and a complex background, so it had to be remade from scratch, but it was very easy to find the original image on Google.
>> No. 1355
File 161285011562.jpg - ( 158.11 KB , 1185x714 , capture.jpg [iqdb] )
Thank you very much for all the effort.

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