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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 139621583941.jpg - ( 62.04KB , 600x800 , 34223829_p1.jpg [iqdb] )
1205 No. 1205
I'm working on a new Strike Witches RPG to more or less replace Dive into the Sky, I've already gotten useful info on mechanics from /tg/ and the game itself is mostly complete. The only things it needs now are an official name and a listing of vehicles (tanks and planes)that I can then research and assign values to for striker units.

The vehicles I need are just the most common ones, any that are striker units in the show, and/or any prototypes that had physically existed.
>> No. 1206
Being that this community is the most likely to play the game I'd also like some opinions on some things. I'd like to know if the character sheets should include details regarding fanservice elements or if it should be left up to players to write that down in the "notes" section of the sheets?
>> No. 1210
Those old BD books are a great resource for all the stuff used in the show. I don't have them handy right now, but I'm sure you can still find them.

I'm not a big fan of the fan servicy things, but I don't know anything about making an RPG/character sheets so I can't really give an opinion about it.
>> No. 1227
Very cool! I played in two campaigns of that before, and had lots of fun.

>I'd like to know if the character sheets should include details regarding fanservice elements or if it should be left up to players to write that down in the "notes" section of the sheets?

Do you mean like statistics with mechanic significance? Or just like breast size and stuff?

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