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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 172648185176.png - ( 9.94 KB , 191x260 , 1726202018652.png [iqdb] )
50 No. 50 ID: 7712867c
What hosting does this site use? I'm looking for one to host my website with your imageboard engine but I can't find one with php5
>> No. 51 ID: 6f0fec4a
This is completely abandoned
>> No. 52 ID: e59c281b
I check it as often as I can.
>> No. 53 ID: e59c281b
You need an actual VPS where you have full control over the operating system and can install packages as you wish, no shared hosting provider will offer such an old version of PHP. Check LowEndTalk, I think that's where I found a deal that allowed me to keep this site up all those years.
I began porting the engine to PHP 8 a while back but that project is currently on hold, sadly.
>> No. 54 ID: bf8fce79
I could help you finish porting the code to PHP 8 so that it would be easier. As for the VPS, could I use my PC as a server?
>> No. 55 ID: ef2cc92f
You could "revive" this imageboard by adding new tables and changing the theme a bit & if you need moderation you can let me know through this thread
>> No. 56 ID: 0d5558ab
I appreciate the offer, even though it's not that urgent and it's very old software. Perhaps I should make a public repository on GitHub. Yes, you can use your PC, though I'd recommend setting up a virtual machine for that purpose. If I may ask why do you wish to use Kusaba instead of a newer imageboard engine?

>by adding new tables
I'm sorry but what did you mean by this?
>> No. 60 ID: 293cfb62

I want to use Kusaba because it has a very good foundation for creating an open source image board engine. I plan to transcribe all code to PHP 7.4 or 8.

>answering a question you asked me about the boards

I meant that you add more boards, like /v/ /x/ /f/ /g/, etc... it's just an idea of mine, betting on the change to see if people enter.
>> No. 61 ID: a6be3f27
Have you looked into TinyIB? It's a spiritual successor of sorts. It was also developed by tslocum after he stopped maintaining Kusaba.
I chose this software because the original Helma.us used it, so it made my job a lot simpler. In your case, I'm honestly not sure whether it's not a better idea to simply modify TinyIB and reimplement whatever features are missing.

>I meant that you add more boards, like /v/ /x/ /f/ /g/, etc...
I see. That's not something I ever plan to do, this is meant to be a niche imageboard.

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