Replies: 0Das Finale 4: Stillborn board but DF4 is out
Replies: 5Dead board before even reaching 500 posts
Replies: 8Why is she so perfect?
Replies: 24We still alive.
Replies: 0GuP der Marathon: Just a reminder that the Girls und Panzer marathon is happening today/tomorrow (Friday, January 7 2022) at 22:00 UTC
Replies: 2[ak-Submarines] Girls und Panzer - das Finale 3 [BD 1080p][B: Thanks, /ak/!
Replies: 6This animu man. This fucking animu.
Replies: 6
Replies: 3Wow!
Replies: 6GuP: I finished watching the anime and I must say it was quite a ride
Replies: 3ded board?
Replies: 7Welp, now to see if they accept or reject it.
Replies: 4Why is she so perfect?
Replies: 6Hope you like it: sure if anyone else found these first but I thought I would make sure they were seen for everyone's benefit.
Replies: 1Anglerfish D1GP team: Behold, Girls und Driften
Replies: 46Patches and World of Tanks: WORLD OF TANKS GENERALHere's a link to all of the GUP mods: to GUP clan (Apply to GUP2 if you're new): VENT: Same as this website's. (It's mine)Clans are generally /a/ and /k/ related. Please don't join if you're a furry or go to Reddit. We'll team-kill you.Also, patch threads need to be deleted.
Replies: 0New Anime Site: we have just started a new non-profit anime video site to benefit childhood cancer research: course the Girls und Panzer series is here:!
Replies: 1July 5th fast approaches...
Replies: 1Girls und Panzer Vita game: So I noticed that there making a girls und panzer vita game, I will probably import it since I plan on getting a Vita TV. I wonder if it will be like World of Tanks
Replies: 0Girls und Panzer OVA: I saw that you can now pre-order Girls und Panzer OVA in ENG, Comes out Feb 2014, already pre-ordered.
Replies: 4GUP WOT manga:
Replies: 1 what?
Replies: 10Ep 12 Discussion Thread: And so, after 3 months of waiting, it has finally came to an end. Spoiler: Entire 24 mins full of surprises and wonders. Kudos to the animators for exceptional high quality production.This is probably the best original anime in 2012.Season 2! Panzer Vor! What do you guys think of the ending?
Replies: 7Today's announcement from Official Twitter...!: Just got confirmation from GuP official Twitter1) There will be a Fan Disk about today's (27/4) event in Oorai (Heartful Tanks Carnival -- CVs, director and staff meetup) releasing in September2) Next OVA will be about Anzio VS OoraiFinally get to see how Miho decimated the entire Italy team! Yay!and finally...3) New MOVIE is confirmed, scheduled for a 2014 release!YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!
Replies: 13Now we're also getting monthly Humikane's artworks of Girls und Panzer?
Replies: 9Strong bonds; the History Club: If you wanna be crazy, be crazy with your friends. If you wanna be weird, be weird with your friends.If you wanna shoot some tanks, shoot them with a StuGIII.
Replies: 23Saw this on /a/ and can't get it out of my mind. WTF man?
Replies: 17Girls und Panzer ep11: Are you ready for GuP episode 11?It aired just recently!No subs yet, but here's a raw:
Replies: 78/GuP/: Lets see how this turns out.
Replies: 1GuP Original Sound Track: Track List has just been revealed:CD 11. 戦車道行進曲!パンツァーフォー!2. 乙女のたしなみ戦車道マーチ!3. 大洗女子学園チーム前進します!4. 戦車、乗ります!5. 学園艦は今日も勇壮に海原を進みます!6. 新しい朝の始まりです!7. 転校してきて良かったです!8. 私、モテモテで困ってます!?9. 戦車の知識では誰にも負けません!10. 秘めた想いに触れました!11. おばぁに会いに行きます!12. こんな普通の学園生活って素敵です!13. 私、いやな予感がします!14. 横暴は生徒会に与えられた正当な権利です!15. 戦車道とは女子としての道を極めることでもあります!16. 生徒会、悲壮な決意とともに進みます!17. バレー部復活をかけて戦います!18. 私たち、精一杯頑張ります!19. 戦車を可愛くデコレーションしちゃいます!20. アウトレットでお買い物します!21. 戦車喫茶に来ました!22. スポーツニュースは今日も戦車道を報じています!23. 理由があります…24. 私、決めます!25. これが友情ですね!26. 明日に備えて寝ます!27. 開会式です!28. 栄光の戦車道全国大会始まります!29. いざ!試合にのぞみます!30. 敵戦車進軍してきます!31. 息を殺して待ちぶせします!32. 戦線は膠着状態です!33. 緊迫する戦況です!34. 健闘を讃え合います!35. 昨日の敵は今日の友です!36. みんな最高の友だちです!37. 戦車道アンセムです!CD 21. それゆけ!乙女の戦車道!! (Wind Orchestra ver.)2. ブリティッシュ・グレナディアーズ3. リパブリック讃歌4. アメリカ野砲隊マーチ5. M4シャーマン中戦車 A GO!GO!6. パンツァー・リート7. エーリカ8. ポーリュシュカ・ポーレ9. カチューシャ10. カチューシャ11. あんこう音頭12. DreamRiser (TV size) (オープニング主題歌)13. Enter Enter MISSION! (TV size) (エンディング主題歌)---CD 1 should be the standard BGM stuff...CD 2 however...British Grenadier, The Battle Hymn of the Republic, Artillery March, Panzerlied, Erika, Polyushko-Polye, Katyusha...THIS!Plus the nicely designed cover (unlike the lazy shit on SW's OSTs)(take out money and throw at screen)
Replies: 6So how does everyone feel about S2 being half-confirmed?
Replies: 0 to The Zone...
Replies: 0T'S TIME /K/OMRADES! We're doing a collaboration with /a/ for:"/ak/ Sings Enter Enter Mission!" you're a newb, use Vocaroo.comIf you're a pro, use Audacity and post that shit to Mediafire.Things to remember:-Keep background noise to an absolute minimum. This shit will be less shitty if we have this in mind.-If your mic has anti-feedback as part of it's drivers, use that!-Keep your music low so that isn't part of the recordingSend me your entry in an email and let's get this shit going! You have until this coming Sunday.
Replies: 2I just started watching, but I'm sad I didn't get on the tank when it started rolling. Gonna catch up today.Fuck this show's great!
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