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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 137323897061.jpg - ( 136.66KB , 850x645 , wrong hand you twat.jpg [iqdb] )
1142 No. 1142 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Anyone else have the terrible misfortune to actually be part of a national military? I have only come across one other person in service who knows what Strike Witches is--are we a rare breed?

I'm US Air Force, and every day is Strike Witches irl.

What's your story?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1149
My friend and fellow SW fan recently entered the US Navy, currently training for nuclear subs. His favorite witch is Erica.
>> No. 1150
This probably doesn't count because there's enlistment in my country, but still. Ex-pioneer here
>> No. 1151
>he stuck Orussian flag on his flight helmet
That would be the most amazing picture ever. It would make my day.

I'm stationed in Japan right now, but I only do administrative stuff. Unfortunately, my life isn't as interesting or colorful as any of that.

My fav witch is Heidimarie.

File 137309073313.png - ( 187.16KB , 1250x1500 , 2013_4chan_Summer_Cup_Logo[1].png [iqdb] )
1140 No. 1140 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Hello Helma. I'm a former browser of the old /sw/ threads on /a/, and am currently a 4chan Cup manager. I was thinking of making a /sw/ team for fun, just for my own amusement. The problem is finding enough players. I need 23 players total. What I have so far is:
Moon Nazis
Daily Dose
Sanya X Eila OTP
Cocaine Pinata
Miso Soup
Historically Accurate
Get in IRC Faggot
Ass Bug
Perrine Fan
Piss Fetishist

If you have any ideas, please suggest them. I can't remember many of the old jokes. Also, I don't want to add any tripfags.
>> No. 1141
I haven't been visiting the /a/ threads lately, but here's 3 that come to mind:

No Men Allowed
Minna Puppet
Erica Fish
>> No. 1143
Oh yeah I remember the Minna puppet and Erica with the fish.

What works for Minna singing the song about the holocaust?

File 137092908388.jpg - ( 16.79KB , 318x200 , DB-V562frKc.jpg [iqdb] )
1133 No. 1133 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
So there's this awesome new My Little Pony imageboard called . You MLP fans should go check it out and tell all your MLP fan friends.

I hear it's run by some pretty cool people with a lot of experience, and is going to be a million times better than any other MLP-dedicated imageboard out there right now.
So yeah, it just officially opened up less than an hour ago. Go take a look and give it a try~

File 137055968649.jpg - ( 203.52KB , 351x800 , 35994765_p0.jpg [iqdb] )
1126 No. 1126 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Some new '91 witches.

File 137055956947.jpg - ( 159.19KB , 800x565 , 35844443_p1.jpg [iqdb] )
1120 No. 1120 hide watch quickreply [Reply]

File 136965136926.jpg - ( 6.81KB , 200x200 , 1368965870934_small.jpg [iqdb] )
1114 No. 1114 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Krichan ( free independent imageboard created by Anonymous to all Anonymous. At the crowing of no centralized approval. Imageboard created on the alternate engine, from the old Wakaba and kusaba X, and aimed at the complete anonymity of communication in general.

The main attribute of the policy is, gave anonimus complete freedom and the right to any opinion. Administration carries out a technical support.
We have interesting discussions.

- Unique protection from a wipe
- Many are updated periodically unique styles allow you to specify the appearance of boards to your liking.
- The function of inserting random-pack
- Everyone is a moderator of a thread.
- Ability to edit and delete your posts and threads are.

Visit Krichan now! We welcome everyone.

File 136683850723.jpg - ( 61.12KB , 870x1203 , 5p0o4g.jpg [iqdb] )
1101 No. 1101 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
So, why not discuss the various WWII aircraft? Specifically, the ones that the witches' striker units are based on?

Example: Luchinni's unit in the series is based off of the Italian G.55 Centauro. The Centauro was a fairly good plane, produced side by side with the Macchi C.202 Folgore (Also a good plane).

I personally love this plane, as well as the Folgore. I think it's pretty cool that this is what Luchinni's striker is based on.

File 131673031377.jpg - ( 105.21KB , 900x626 , 1295939843911.jpg [iqdb] )
122 No. 122 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
>Soviet WW2 all-female night bomber regiment

Suddenly the scarcity of bomber witches makes me sad.
>> No. 1100
I've read about these gals. Flew Prolikarov Po-2 biplanes, only about 48 died, and German pilots would get Iron Crosses for taking down one...if my memory is correct.

Good gals.

File 136622192380.jpg - ( 111.09KB , 522x760 , f0518ae03a3cc8cd8711332caac5502f.jpg [iqdb] )
1097 No. 1097 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Hey Anon!
You know that in addition to this imageboards, there are others?
I have compiled a long list of the imageboards, including russian boards, which you can download here:
Last updated list can be to look here, there is discussion and suggestions:
Also welcome any comments and suggestions.
And if you do you come to each of them, and there make your thread, you'll help little boards all at once.
Send out this message to all the big boards and slow-boards.
Admins Please do not delete this thread, because you have counted and added to the list. IT IS NOT SPAM!
Free ads in all fields, and all in black.
It's time to show the anonymity that the board instead of three, and much more.
>> No. 1098
Thanks for adding us.

>Also welcome any comments and suggestions.

I checked out the txt file, and perhaps a quick explanation about what the main subject is on each board would be useful.

For example: (Automobiles) (Conspiracies)
>> No. 1099
What's the point of this? Isn't overchan still alive?

File 135837890625.jpg - ( 194.26KB , 425x600 , Vividredpromo (1.jpg [iqdb] )
1036 No. 1036 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
The director of the Strike Witches anime series is directing another series called Vividred Operation. The first episode had fanservice of the Strike Witches type but in smaller doses as opposed to the constant panty-shots of Strike Witches. I did however almost OD on moe in the first episode...


Episode 1 (english subs):
9 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1077
Final Boss turning raven.
>> No. 1078
Final Boss turning raven.
>> No. 1079

Final Boss turning raven.


Yes that does happen.

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