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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 136185147268.jpg - ( 0.96MB , 1127x1481 , Haruka.jpg [iqdb] )
2 No. 2 ID: 645cbb99 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
so you know this board is hidden on the menu bar right?

"no visible boards" under the header
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4 ID: d04ac0bb
File 136186190392.jpg - ( 182.62KB , 850x1236 , Mio_Who_Needs_That_Eyepatch_Anyways.jpg [iqdb] )
Very nice addition here. Much welcome attention to the site.
>> No. 7 ID: cf6214fd
so does anyone have any ideas for a thread, i'm all out
>> No. 25 ID: 00849be2
File 137107311488.jpg - ( 698.20KB , 1256x1800 , 4_06.jpg [iqdb] )
Where'd you find the 1.5 manga in a resolution that high? Or it is just an upscale from this scan? Doesn't look like it.

File 136192378647.png - ( 128.92KB , 854x480 , 2013-02-26_12_39_07.png [iqdb] )
5 No. 5 ID: 26ef8ef7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Seeing as how this is general discussion I feel I should start this thread: Minecraft.

Does anyone on Helma play Minecraft? Do you have stories? Custom skins?

>For anyone interested the "LittleMaidMob" mod has skins for the Strike Witches so you can have them fight with and for you. It would be nice for someone to make some GuP skins for them, add in Flans mod tanks...
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>> No. 17 ID: 551840fa

That's pretty neat.

Are those AI controlled or just static objects?
>> No. 18 ID: 26ef8ef7

>It would be cool if someone added summonable Neuroi bosses though.
>I would if I could into java/scripting.
>> No. 23 ID: 1064b4ab
I just had a thought though...

If someone used the zepplin mod (the old one that allowed for making creations move) you could set them to go in a big loop. Still wouldn't be as neat as actual enemies though.

File 136838691791.jpg - ( 77.96KB , 590x844 , Stanisław_Skalski.jpg [iqdb] )
20 No. 20 ID: b13cd153 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
I'd be really happy to see some other Polish posters on this board... We certainly had a nice history with air warfare, let's take Dywizjon 303 from the Battle of England as an example. Any idea why we don't have our own witch yet? Skalski would be the best material for her. I'm sure there's some other countries that had aces but weren't featured in Strike Witches...
>> No. 21 ID: a0f14de6

A long time ago I made a Polish witch for a project me and my friend were working on, but since that's just fan material I'm sure it doesn't count.

I would love to see some official Polish witches.

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